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Commment installer et configurer un ecran TFT Bigtreetech sur une A10 V3.


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Voilà une bonne nouvelle. Content pour toi. Je sais à quel point il est frustrant de ne pas arriver à ses fins, alors que ça tient à pas grand chose. 🙂

Modifié (le) par medmed
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  • 1 year later...

Salut à tous, j'ai trouvé ce fil essayant de résoudre mes problèmes, je voulais changer l'affichage sur mon imprimante et j'essayais de suivre ceci ici, j'ai un geentech A20M avec une carte GT2560 V3, j'avais un TFT24 V1.1 pour essayer , j'ai suivi le guide mais si je connecte les connecteurs EX1 et EX2 du TFT avec la nappe 40pins quand j'allume l'imprimante tout reste noir, si je retire les connecteurs EX1 et EX2 l'affichage se met en mode tactile, mon lcd d'origine porte le en écrivant LCD12864-3D, toutes les idées pour faire fonctionner le TFT24 V1.1 dans les deux sens.
Merci infini

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il y a une heure, Lidiano a dit :

j'ai suivi votre guide et suis arrivé ici, la partie tactile fonctionne parfaitement mais si je vais dans la partie LCD je ne vois que le mot "Mode Marlin" pouvez vous m'aider à résoudre cette partie merci

Salutation !

Pour le mode marlin, il faut que le firmware marlin est était compilé pour ( cf )

  1. In case your mainboard provides EXP1 and EXP2, you have to connect 2 ribbon cables connecting EXP1 and EXP2 of the mainboard to EXP1 and EXP2 of the TFT. In the Marlin firmware of your mainboard, make sure that ONLY REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER is activated in Configuration.h and that all other controllers are Deactivated (especially CR10_STOCKDISPLAY).


Il peut arriver que selon les carte et ou les câble utilisé il y ai a faire une rotation des branchement sur EXP1 et EXP2 ( cf ) mais je ne sais pas si c'est la cas ici 


NOTE: On the MKS mainboards there is an issue that involves at least the MKS GEN_L, MKS SGEN, and MKS SGEN_L models. The EXP1 and EXP2 connections have the socket shell installed wrong way around. The notch that indexes the cable should be facing towards the mainboard. If you get a blank screen on the TFT35 E3 V3.0 touchscreen after connecting the two EXP cables and turning the printer on, turn printer off and disconnect the 10 pin cables from either the touch screen or the mainboard and using small diagonal cutters trim the tab down to be as close to flush as you can get on both cables (and only on one end) and plug them back in with the trimmed tab now facing the mainboard.


The second workaround for this issue is to carefully pry the two shells surrounding the pins on the mainboard upwards until they clear the pins. Do NOT use a metal tool for this, use a sturdy plastic or whalebone prying tool. Turn the shell 180 degrees and align the pins with the holes in the shells and push the shells back on with your thumb. Do not push the shell back on with something that could cause damage if it were to slip. Once the shells are installed you can use the stock (unaltered) cables as they are.



Pour référence

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Il y a 2 heures, PPAC a dit :

In case your mainboard provides EXP1 and EXP2, you have to connect 2 ribbon cables connecting EXP1 and EXP2 of the mainboard to EXP1 and EXP2 of the TFT. In the Marlin firmware of your mainboard, make sure that ONLY  is activated in  and that all other controllers are Deactivated (especially ). REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLERConfiguration.hCR10_STOCKDISPLAY

J'ai suivi vos instructions, j'ai connecté le câble d'écran d'origine en suivant les instructions données par @medmedsur la deuxième page, mais le résultat que j'ai est ce que vous voyez si j'entre en mode Marlin LCD, cela ne fonctionne pas, à la place le mode TOUCH fonctionne, je voulais avoir les deux modes


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il y a 3 minutes, Lidiano a dit :

j'ai connecté le câble d'écran d'origine en suivant les instructions données par @medmedsur la deuxième page

? tu parle aussi de  

Le 17/03/2021 at 15:53, medmed a dit :

Sur les schémas de l'écran TFT (EXP1/EXP2) j'ai fait correspondre les noms de la nappe 40 pins.



Peut tu nous mettre ton fichier configuration.h pour vérifier que tu a bien déclaré un seul et unique écran

il y a 4 minutes, Lidiano a dit :

make sure that ONLY  is activated in  and that all other controllers are Deactivated (especially ). REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLERConfiguration.hCR10_STOCKDISPLAY

 Peut tu nous mettre des photos de tes branchements ?

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il y a 15 minutes, Lidiano a dit :

éventuellement tester avec ( ligne 2490 )



Mais donc il faudra commenter ( ligne 2380 a 2383 )


//#define ST7920_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS (200)
//#define ST7920_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS (500)
//#define ST7920_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS (500)

Après ... là je ne sais pas quoi proposer d'autre que de vérifier les fils des câbles de EXP1 et EXP2 ( continuité pour chaque pin des connecteurs ... et pas de court circuits entre chaque fil )

Peut être créer un nouveau sujet ou tu y reprend ce que l'on a dit ici pour avoir plus de vus et d'avis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Je ne passe plus souvent par ici. Attend, il faut que je me remette dans le bain, je suis passé à autre chose..  

Tu as configuré le fichier .ini du TFT ? 

Edit: L'ecran fonctionnera juste en  l'alimentant en 5v , il a son propre processeur.  As-tu bien déclaré les ports dans marlin  ? 


PORT_2 3

Si tu a bien édité le fichier .ini du TFT, pour changer de mode, il faut appuyer 3 ou 4s  sur la mollette . Un menu apparait pour choisir entre le mode Marlin ou le mode TFT.  

Modifié (le) par medmed
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Le 11/01/2023 at 06:21, medmed a dit :

Tu as configuré le fichier .ini du TFT ? 

je n'ai pas compris ce que je dois faire sur cette partie


Le 11/01/2023 at 06:21, medmed a dit :

Edit: L'ecran fonctionnera juste en  l'alimentant en 5v , il a son propre processeur.  As-tu bien déclaré les ports dans marlin  ? 


PORT_2 3

sur marlin à la place j'ai fait comme tu l'as écrit

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Le TFT ayant son propre processeur, il doit aussi etre configuré a travers le fichier .INI.  Regarde a la section Marlin si il est bien configuré  et s'il n'est pas bloquée en mode 3.

Voici mon fichier de configuration INI du TFT 43




# General Settings

#### Serial Ports (Primary and Supplementary)
# Serial ports connected to devices such as Printer, ESP3D, OctoPrint, other TFTs etc.
# In order to successfully establish a communication through a serial port, set a baudrate
# matching the baudrate configured on the connected device.
# Disable the serial port when it is not in use and/or not connected to a device (floating) to
# avoid to receive and process wrong data due to possible electromagnetic interference (EMI).
#   - Serial port P1 is the primary serial connection to the printer and cannot be disabled.
#   - A baudrate of 250000 works in most cases, but you might try a lower speed if you
#     commonly experience drop-outs during host printing.
#     You may try up to 1000000 to speed up SD file transfer.
#   Format: [serial_port: P1:<baudrate> P2:<baudrate> P3:<baudrate> P4:<baudrate>
#   Target port: P1: Printer
#                P2: WIFI    (e.g. ESP3D)
#                P3: UART 3  (e.g. OctoPrint)
#                P4: UART 4
#   Value range: P1: [min: 1, max: 9]
#                P2: [min: 0, max: 9]
#                P3: [min: 0, max: 9]
#                P4: [min: 0, max: 9]
#   Options: [OFF (port disabled): 0, 2400: 1, 9600: 2, 19200: 3, 38400: 4, 57600: 5, 115200: 6, 250000: 7, 500000: 8, 1000000: 9]
serial_port:P1:7 P2:0 P3:0 P4:0

#### Emulated M600
# The TFT intercepts the M600 G-code (filament change) and emulates the handling logic
# otherwise provided by Marlin firmware.
# NOTE: Enable it in case Marlin firmware does not properly support M600 on the mainboard.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Emulated M109 And M190
# The TFT intercepts the blocking M109 and M190 G-codes (set target hotend and bed temperatures)
# and converts them to the non blocking M104 and M140 G-codes respectively.
# NOTE: Enable it so the TFT can still communicate with Marlin firmware even if the target
#       temperature is not reached yet. Otherwise the communication (TFT<->Marlin) will be
#       frozen until desired/set temperatures are obtained.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Event LED
# When printing from TFT SD card / TFT USB disk, the TFT periodically sets the printer's (neopixel)
# LED color and TFT's knob LED color, if any, according to the current nozzle and bed temperatures.
# NOTE: If "emulated_m109_m190" is disabled (heating controlled by printer), the TFT cannot control the
#       printer's (neopixel) LED during heating. It will control only the TFT's knob LED, if any.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### G-code File Comment Parsing
# The TFT parses and processes extra information provided by the slicer as comments in the G-code file.
# If enabled, the current implementation parses and processes print time and print layer information
# from the G-code file (nothing else).
# If disabled, the "layer_disp_type" setting provided in "UI Settings" section becomes redundant.
# NOTE: Enable it in case the slicer (e.g. Cura) supports extra information.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

# UI Settings

#### Rotated UI
# Rotate UI by 180 degrees.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Touch Mode Language
# Select the language to use on the LCD while in Touch Mode.
# NOTE: To add/flash a second language copy the required "language_xx.ini" file from
#       "Language Packs" folder to the SD root folder.
#       Then press the reset button to load/flash the copied language file.
#   Options: [Primary Language (english): 0, Secondary Language: 1]

#### Status Screen
# Select the default home screen while in Touch Mode.
# If enabled, the Status Screen menu will become the default home screen.
# If disabled, the Main menu will become the default home screen.
# NOTE: Both the Status Screen and Main menus display the current temperature, fan and speeds.
#       Furthermore, the Status Screen menu provides the status area reporting the printer notifications.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Touch Mode Colors
# Set colors used in Touch Mode.
# NOTE: Select an option from the provided list or set the color (RGB888 format) hex value directly
#       (start with "0x"), such as: Red: 0xFF0000, Green: 0x00FF00, Blue: 0x0000FF.
#   Options: [ WHITE: 0,  BLACK: 1,  RED: 2,  GREEN: 3,      BLUE: 4,       CYAN: 5,  MAGENTA: 6,    YELLOW: 7,
#             ORANGE: 8, PURPLE: 9, LIME: 10, BROWN: 11, DARKBLUE: 12, DARKGREEN: 13,    GRAY: 14, DARKGRAY: 15]

## Title background color

## Menu background color

## Menu font color

## Reminder font color, such as: "No print attached", "Busy processing", etc.

## Status (e.g. volume reminder, ABL probing point etc.) font color, such as: "Card inserted", "Card removed"

## Background color for X Y Z position display in Status Screen menu

## List View border color

## List View button background color

## Color used by the Mesh Editor menu for drawing the mesh with the minimum value in the grid

## Color used by the Mesh Editor menu for drawing the mesh with the maximum value in the grid

#### Terminal Text Color Scheme
# Color scheme for displaying text in Terminal menu.
#   Options: [Material Dark: 0, Material Light: 1, High Contrast: 2]
#     Material Dark:  Dark background with light font color and orange command font color.
#     Material Light: Light background with dark font color and orange command font color.
#     High Contrast:  Black background with white font color and orange command font color.

#### Notification Style For ACK Messages
# Set the notification style to use for displaying the ACK messages which start with "echo:".
# NOTE: The OFF value is applied to any ACK message type (e.g. even to known echo ACK).
#       It means that any kind of ACK message is silently discarded.
#   Options: [OFF: 0, POPUP: 1, TOAST: 2]
#     OFF:   No notification. The message is ignored.
#     POPUP: Display a popup window for user confirmation.
#     TOAST: A non-blocking Toast notification is displayed for few seconds. No user interaction is needed.

#### Files Sorting
# Sort files and folders based on the selected option.
# NOTE: Only applicable for files in TFT SD card and TFT USB disk.
#   Options: [Date Newest First: 0, Date Oldest First: 1, Name Ascending: 2, Name Descending: 3]

#### Files List Mode
# Display files in list mode instead of icon mode.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Filename Extension
# Display fullname for files listed in List Mode / Icon Mode menu.
# If disabled, any filename extension starting with ".g" or ".G" (e.g. ".g", ".gco", ".gcode" etc.) will be hidden.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Fan Speed In Percentage
# Show fan speed in percentage. If disabled fan speed will be displayed as PWM values.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Persistent Temperature Info
# Show persistent temperature info in all menus.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Temperature ACK In Terminal
# Show temperature ACK in Terminal menu.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Notification M117
# If enabled, any notification received from Marlin through "//action:notification" is also
# stored on the notification screen. The notification screen reporting the history of the
# received notifications is displayed pressing on the notification bar.
# NOTE: Marlin notifications are also always displayed on the Status Screen menu.
#       Furthermore, they are also displayed on the notification bar as toast messages
#       in case the current menu is not the Status Screen menu.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Progress Numeric Display Mode During Print
# This sets the default display type for print progress numeric display. It can be changed during
# print by pressing the hourglass icon.
# At each click it will alter between the 3 variants.
# NOTE: Some slicers include time related info in the G-code files as comments. If the time info
#       is not added by the slicer, then a post processing plugin is needed that adds that info in
#       the G-code file (comment or M73 Rxx format).
#       If no remaining time info is present in the G-code file (comment or M73 Rxx), the display
#       defaults to option 0.
#   Options: [Percentage & Elapsed time: 0, Percentage & Remaining time: 1, Elapsed time & Remaining time: 2]

#### Current Layer Display Mode During Print
# This sets the default display type for the printing layer. It can be changed during print by
# pressing the nozzle icon. At each click it will alter between the 3 variants.
#   - It requires "file_comment_parsing" to be enabled.
#   - This feature uses the layer number comments added by slicers at the starting of each layer.
#   - Some slicers may not include the total number of layers in the G-code file. In this case only
#     the current layer will be displayed. To display total number of layers, a comment should be
#     added at the beginning of the G-code file in the format "; Layer count: xx".
#     Separators can be " ", ":", "_" or "=".
#   - If the total number of layers exceeds 999, this information will not be displayed because
#     there is not enough space for both current and total layer number to be shown.
#   - For PrusaSlicer, to enable this feature, following comment lines must be added in
#     Printer Settings -> Custom G-code section:
#     - In After layer change G-code section:
#       ";LAYER:[layer_num]"
#     - In Start G-code section:
#       ";LAYER_COUNT:[total_layer_count]"
#   Options: [Layer height: 0, Layer number: 1, Both - height & number: 2]

# Marlin Mode Settings (only for TFT24 V1.1 & TFT28/TFT35/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)

#### Default Mode
# Set Marlin/Touch Mode as the default mode at startup.
# NOTE: Mode switching is possible only for Marlin Mode and Touch Mode by a long press of
#       1.5 seconds on the display or holding down the encoder button for 1.5 seconds.
#   Options: [Marlin Mode: 0, Touch Mode: 1, Blocked Marlin Mode: 2, Blocked Touch Mode: 3]

#### Serial Always ON
# Keep UART (serial communication) alive in Marlin Mode.
# Allows seamless OctoPrint UART connection to the TFT's UART/serial expansion port
# no matter which mode the TFT is in.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

# Printer / Machine Settings

#### Hotend Count
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 6]

#### Heated Bed Support
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Heated Chamber Support
# The TFT will auto-detect if chamber heating is enabled in Marlin firmware.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Extruder Count
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 6]

#### Fan Count
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 6]

#### Controller Fan Support
# Enable/disable controller fan speed control for Active and Idle cooling if Marlin
# firmware supports controller fan (M710).
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Bed / Extruder / Chamber Maximum Temperatures
#   Format: [max_temp: T0:<max temp> T1:<max temp> T2:<max temp> T3:<max temp> T4:<max temp> T5:<max temp> BED:<max temp> CHAMBER:<max temp>]
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: hotend:  [min: 20, max: 1000]
#                bed:     [min: 20, max: 400]
#                chamber: [min: 20, max: 200]
max_temp:T0:275 T1:275 T2:275 T3:275 T4:275 T5:275 BED:90 CHAMBER:60

#### Cold Extrusion Minimum Temperature
# Minimum temperature needed to extrude/retract.
# Any extrusion/retraction below this temperature will be prevented.
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: [min: 20, max: 1000]

#### Fan Maximum PWM Speed
# Set minimum and maximum fan speed allowed by the printer for Cooling Fans & Controller Fan.
# Cooling fans have index from F0 to F5.
# Controller fan has index CtA and CtI (Active and Idle). It requires "controller_fan" to be enabled.
#   Format: [fan_max: F0:<max PWM> F1:<max PWM> F2:<max PWM> F3:<max PWM> F4:<max PWM> F5:<max PWM> CtA:<max PWM> CtI:<max PWM>]
#   Unit: [PWM]
#   Value range: [min: 25, max: 255]
fan_max:F0:255 F1:255 F2:255 F3:255 F4:255 F5:255 CtA:255 CtI:255

#### Machine Size / Build Area
# The TFT will auto-detect the machine size (min and max) in Marlin firmware (requires
# enabling "M115_GEOMETRY_REPORT" in Configuration_adv.h in Marlin firmware).
#   Format: [size_min: X<minimum distance> Y<minimum distance> Z<minimum distance>]
#           [size_max: X<maximum distance> Y<maximum distance> Z<maximum distance>]
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000, max: 2000]
size_min:X0 Y0 Z0
size_max:X228 Y220 Z240

#### X & Y Move Speeds/Feedrates
# Move speeds used in Move menu to move X and Y axes.
#   Format: [move_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
xy_speed:S1000 N3000 F5000

#### Z Speeds/Feedrates
# Move speeds used in Move menu to move Z axis.
#   Format: [move_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
z_speed:S500 N1000 F2000

#### Extruder Speeds/Feedrates
# Speed settings used to extrude/retract.
#   Format: [ext_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
ext_speed:S60 N600 F1200

#### Auto Save/Load Bed Leveling Data
# The TFT will auto-detect if Auto Bed Level is available.
# Enable this will send "M500" after "G29" to store leveling value and send "M420 S1"
# to enable leveling state after startup.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Onboard / Printer Media Support
# On Marlin firmware, the TFT will auto-detect onboard media.
# Auto-detect is not available for other firmwares like Smoothieware.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1, auto-detect: 2]

#### M27 Printing Status Refresh Time
# M27 printing status refresh time (this will be used if SD_AUTOREPORT is not detected by the TFT).
#   Unit: [time in seconds]
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 100]

#### M27 Always Active
# Keep polling M27 even if not printing (e.g. SD print not started from TFT).
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Long File Names Support
# On Marlin firmware, the TFT will auto-detect Long File Name support.
# Auto-detect is not available for other firmwares like Smoothieware.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1, auto-detect: 2]

#### Pause/Nozzle Park Settings
# These settings are used when a print is paused or in any feature which requires moving/parking the nozzle
# before performing a task like in (Un)Load or Extruder Tuning menus.

## Pause Retract Length
#   Format: [pause_retract: R<retract length> P<resume purge length>]
#   Unit: [length in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0.0, max: 20.0]
pause_retract:R15.0 P16.0

## Pause XY Position
#   - It MUST BE a value >= 0 for a Cartesian printer.
#   - It MUST BE a value <= 0 for a Delta printer.
#   Format: [pause_pos: X<position> Y<position>]
#   Unit: [position in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000.0, max: 2000.0]
pause_pos:X10.0 Y10.0

## Pause Z Raise
# Raise Z axis by this value relative to the current layer height.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0.0, max: 2000.0]

## Pause Feed Rate
# Feedrate to use when moving an axis when printing is paused.
#   Format: [pause_feedrate: XY<feedrate> Z<feedrate> E<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
pause_feedrate:XY6000 Z6000 E600

#### Leveling Settings
# These settings are used for leveling.

## Leveling Edge Distance (Manual Leveling)
# Inset distance from bed edges. This distance is added to minimum X & Y bed coordinates and
# subtracted from maximum X & Y bed coordinates to calculate manual leveling points.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

## Leveling Z Position (Manual Leveling, Mesh Leveling, Probe/Home Offset, Mesh Tuner)
# For Manual Leveling and MBL, lower Z axis to this absolute position after reaching a leveling point.
# For Probe/Home Offset and ABL in Mesh Tuner, raise Z axis by this relative position after reaching
# a leveling point.
#   Unit: [position in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0.0, max: 2000.0]

## Leveling Z Raise (Manual Leveling, Mesh Leveling)
# Raise Z axis by this relative value before moving to another point during leveling/probing procedures.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0.0, max: 2000.0]

## Leveling Feed Rate (Manual Leveling, Mesh Leveling)
# Feedrate to use when moving an axis during leveling/probing procedures.
#   Format: [level_feedrate: XY<feedrate> Z<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
level_feedrate:XY6000 Z6000

#### Inverted Axes (Manual Leveling, Move, Probe Offset)
# Used by Manual Leveling, Move and Probe Offset menus in order axis matches the actual axis movement.
# NOTE: The Y axis of different printer (move hotbed or move nozzle) move in different directions.
#       So Y axis leveling inversion can't follow up inverted_axis[Y_AXIS].
#       We separate a single variable "LY" (Leveling Y axis) to deal with the Y axis leveling movement direction.
#   Format: [X<option> Y<option> Z<option> LY<option>]
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]
inverted_axis:X0 Y0 Z0 LY0

#### Probing For Z Offset (Probe Offset)
# Used by the Probe Offset menu for the Z offset tuning process.
# If enabled, after homing a probing in the center of the bed is performed and then the nozzle
# is moved to the XY probing point.
# If disabled, after homing the nozzle is moved directly to the XY honing point. This is useful
# in case Marlin firmware is configured to use the probe for Z axis homing (e.g.
# USE_PROBE_FOR_Z_HOMING enabled in Marlin firmware) to avoid a second probing after homing.
#   - Enable it in case Marlin firmware is not configured to use the probe for Z axis homing
#     (e.g. USE_PROBE_FOR_Z_HOMING disabled in Marlin firmware) or the XY probing point set
#     for homing is not reachable by the nozzle (e.g. due to HW limitations/constraints or
#     printer specific configuration).
#   - Disable it (preferably) in case Marlin firmware is configured to use the probe for Z axis
#     homing (e.g. USE_PROBE_FOR_Z_HOMING enabled in Marlin firmware).
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Probing Z Raise (Probe Offset, Mesh Editor)
# Used by the Probe Offset / Mesh Editor menu for the Z offset / Z height tuning process.
# Raise / drop Z axis by this relative value after homing (G28) before starting to probe a point.
#   - It MUST BE a value >= 0 (e.g. 20) for a Cartesian printer to avoid crashing into the bed.
#   - It MUST BE a value <= 0 (e.g. -50) for a Delta printer to avoid crashing into the top of the tower.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000.0, max: 2000.0]

#### Z Steppers Auto-Alignment (ABL)
# It allows to align multiple Z stepper motors using a bed probe by probing one position per stepper.
# Enable this setting to show an icon in ABL menu allowing to run G34 command (it requires
# Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN enabled in Configuration_adv.h in Marlin firmware).
# NOTE: Only for Marlin printers with one stepper driver per Z stepper motor and no Z timing belt.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### TouchMI Settings (ABL)
# Enable this option for displaying TouchMI sensor settings in ABL menu (Init, Z Offset, Save, Test).
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Preheat Temperatures
#   Format: [preheat_name_X:<name>]
#           [preheat_temp_X:T<hotend temp> B<bed temp>]
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: name:        [min: 3, max: 20 characters]
#                hotend temp: [min: 20, max: 1000]
#                bed temp:    [min: 20, max: 400]
preheat_temp_1:T210 B55

preheat_temp_2:T240 B65

preheat_temp_3:T230 B80

preheat_temp_4:T170 B50

preheat_temp_5:T220 B50

preheat_temp_6:T250 B80

# Power Supply Settings (only if connected to TFT controller)

#### Active HIGH Power Supply Logic
# Used in case it is supported by the TFT.
# The power supply uses this HIGH signal logic to stay ON.
# The power supply uses the opposite of this logic to stay OFF.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Power Supply Auto Shutdown Mode
# Used in case it is supported by the TFT.
# Enable power supply auto shutdown after a print is finished when hotend temperature drops below target value.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1, auto-detect: 2]

#### Power Supply Auto Shutdown Temperature
# Maximum hotend temperature for automatic shutdown after printing, if automatic shutdown is enabled.
# The printer will shutdown automatically if the hotend temperature is below this value.
# If the hotend temperature is higher than this value the fans will be turned on to cooldown and it
# will wait for the hotend temperature to drop below this value before shutting down automatically.
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: [min: 20, max: 1000]

# Filament Runout Settings (only if connected to TFT controller)

# NOTES for users having a filament sensor connected to the mainboard:
#   1) Define "fil_runout:0" below to disable the sensor handling on the TFT.
#   2) Configure the sensor in the firmware of your mainboard.
#   3) Add M75 to "start_gcode" and M77 to "end_gcode" of the TFT (or your slicer).

#### Filament Runout Sensor
# Select the type of filament runout sensor and its default enabled/disabled state.
#   Options: [Normal Disabled: 0, Normal Enabled: 1, Smart Disabled: 2, Smart Enabled: 3]

#### Inverted Filament Runout Sensor Logic
# The sensor uses an inverted logic.
# Disable it in case filament runout is triggered by a LOW signal.
# Enable it in case filament runout is triggered by a HIGH signal.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### NC (Normal Close) Filament Runout Sensor
# The sensor is of type NC.
#   Options: [Normal Open: 0, Normal Close: 1]

#### Filament Runout Noise Threshold
# Pause print when filament runout is detected at least for this time period.
#   Unit: [time in milliseconds]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 1800]

#### Smart Filament Runout Detection
# Used in conjunction with an SFS (Smart Filament Sensor) based on an encoder disc that
# toggles runout pin as filament moves.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 50]

# Power Loss Recovery & BTT UPS Settings

#### Power Loss Recovery Mode
# Enable power loss recovery.
# Disable to reduce the loss of TFT SD card or TFT USB disk.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Power Loss Recovery Homing
# Home before power loss recovery.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Power Loss Recovery Z Raise
# Raise Z axis on resume (on power loss with UPS).
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0.0, max: 2000.0]

#### BTT Mini UPS Support
# Enable backup power/UPS to move Z axis on power loss.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

# Other Device-Specific Settings

#### Sounds / Buzzer
# Set sound ON or OFF.
# NOTE: Error messages from printer will always play the error sound.
# Parameters:
#   touch_sound:  Enable/disable this to control touch feedback sound.
#   toast_sound:  Enable/disable this to control all toast notification sounds.
#   alert_sound:  Enable/disable this to control all popup and alert sounds
#                 like print finish alert, dialog sound etc.
#   heater_sound: Enable/disable this to control acoustic feedback when temperature
#                 has reached the desired value on heaters (nozzle, bed, chamber).
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### LCD Brightness Levels (only for TFT28/TFT35/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# Brightness levels for LCD.
#   Options: [OFF: 0, 5%: 1, 10%: 2, 20%: 3, 30%: 4, 40%: 5, 50%: 6, 60%: 7, 70%: 8, 80%: 9, 90%: 10, 100%: 11]

## LCD brightness level

## LCD brightness level when device is idle

#### LCD Idle Time (only for TFT28/TFT35/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# The LCD screen will dim to idle brightness, if the display is not touched for the
# period of the LCD idle time.
#   Options: [OFF: 0, 5sec: 1, 10sec: 2, 30sec: 3, 1min: 4, 2min: 5, 5min: 6, 10min: 7]

#### LCD Lock On Idle (only for TFT28/TFT35/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# If enabled, when the LCD is idle (dimmed) then the first touch on the display will
# simply restore the normal LCD brightness. The touch is then skipped, preventing to
# trigger any undesired action due to the dimmed display.
# NOTE: The lock is always avoided if the LCD brightness is restored by the use of
#       rotary encoder instead of touching the display.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### LED Color
# Printer's LED color used by some features such as Event LED and PID processes.
#   Format: [led_color: R:<component> G:<component> B:<component> W:<component> P:<component> I:<component>
#   Target component: R: Red
#                     G: Green
#                     B: Blue
#                     W: White;     NEOPIXEL or RGB(W)
#                     P: Intensity; NEOPIXEL
#                     I: Index;     NEOPIXEL
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 255]
led_color:R:255 G:255 B:255 W:255 P:255 I:255

#### LED Always ON
# Keep printers's LED on at startup and after Event LED and PID processes terminate.
# The printer's LED color is configured in "led_color".
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Knob LED Color (only for TFT28/TFT35_E3/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# Knob LED color at startup.
#   Options: [OFF: 0, WHITE: 1, RED: 2, ORANGE: 3, YELLOW: 4, GREEN: 5, BLUE: 6, INDIGO: 7, VIOLET: 8]

#### Knob LED Idle State (only for TFT28/TFT35_E3/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# If enabled, when the LCD is idle (dimmed) then the knob LED will be also switched off.
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Knob LED Pixels (only for TFT28/TFT35_E3/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70 V3.0)
# Set the number of LEDs in the strip connected to "Neopixel" port of TFT.
# It shares the same signal line as "knob_led". 0 means the default number in TFT hardware.
# Greater than 0 means the number of LEDs in the strip.
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 200]

# Custom G-code Commands

#### Custom G-code Commands
# Up to 15 custom G-code commands that will be available in the Custom menu.
# Usage:
#   - To enable a custom command, remove "#" at the beginning of custom commands label & G-code.
#   - To disable a custom command, add "#" at the beginning of custom commands label & G-code.
# NOTE: If the values are left blank then default name and G-code will be used.
#   Value range: label: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
#                G-code: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
custom_label_1:Disable steppers
custom_label_2:Init sd card
custom_label_3:Release sd card
custom_label_4:Restore leveling
custom_gcode_4:M420 S1\n
custom_label_5:Save to EEPROM
custom_label_6:Restore from EEPROM
custom_label_7:EEPROM defaults

# Start, End & Cancel G-code Commands

# NOTES for users having a filament sensor connected to the mainboard:
#   1) Enable the start/end G-code below.
#   2) Add the following commands to the start/end G-code:
#      - start_gcode: M75\n
#      - end_gcode: M77\n

#### Start G-code Status
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### End G-code Status
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Cancel G-code Status
#   Options: [disable: 0, enable: 1]

#### Start G-code
# This G-code will run before starting a print if "start_gcode_enabled" is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
start_gcode:G28 XY R20\n

#### End G-code
# This G-code will run after a print is completed if "end_gcode_enabled" is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
end_gcode:M104 S0\nM140 S0\nM107\nM18\n

#### Cancel G-code
# This G-code will run when a print is canceled if "cancel_gcode_enabled" is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
cancel_gcode:M104 S0\nM140 S0\nG28 XY R10\nM107\nM18\n


J'ai pas trop le temps là, je pars bosser .....

Modifié (le) par medmed
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  • 1 year later...

Salut à tous, j'espère que vous pourrez me donner un coup de main, je n'y arrive vraiment pas, pour le moment je n'ai branché que les pins UART (rx3/tx3)
J'ai modifié le marlin comme indiqué par
PORT_2 3

 mais malheureusement je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner l'émulation

Je n'arrive même pas à comprendre si c'est ok de voir cette écriture sur l'écran, ça dit que l'imprimante est prête mais "TFT en mode écoute !"



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