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Anycubic Kobra 3 Combo


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  1. Bonjour, je suis concepteur BE de formation, j'ai voulu scanner des pièces existantes pour les imprimer en 3D en utilisant Meshroom. Le PC sur lequel j'ai tenté l'expérience est un Dell precision 3520 avec une carte graphique NVIDIA quadro M620. J'ai installé CUDA kitool et visual studio. J'ai pris des séries de photos sur divers objets pour faire des essais avec 3 appareils différents: 2 téléphones et une tablette avec des façons de faire différentes au niveau des réglages: automatique ou entièrement manuel, différents types d'éclairage.... Ça finit toujours de la même façon au niveau du noeud "depht mode" qui reste en rouge, voilà le log que j'obtiens: [2023-09-04 11:09:49.414053] [0x00000ec8] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: 'C:\Users\Util\Downloads\Meshroom-2023.2.0-win64\Meshroom-2023.2.0\aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found. Program called with the following parameters: * autoAdjustSmallImage = 1 * chooseTCamsPerTile = 1 * colorOptimizationEnabled = 1 * colorOptimizationNbIterations = 100 * customPatchPatternGroupSubpartsPerLevel = 80 (default) * customPatchPatternSubparts = Unknown Type "class std::vector<struct aliceVision::depthMap::CustomPatchPatternParams::SubpartParams,class std::allocator<struct aliceVision::depthMap::CustomPatchPatternParams::SubpartParams> >" (default) * downscale = 2 * exportIntermediateCrossVolumes = 0 * exportIntermediateDepthSimMaps = 0 * exportIntermediateNormalMaps = 0 * exportIntermediateTopographicCutVolumes = 0 * exportIntermediateVolume9pCsv = 0 * exportIntermediateVolumes = 0 * exportTilePattern = 0 * imagesFolder = "C:/Users/Util/AppData/Local/Temp/MeshroomCache/PrepareDenseScene/063422c889a8038fd4d81a8c32a998bd26160525" * input = "C:/Users/Util/AppData/Local/Temp/MeshroomCache/StructureFromMotion/02b4e1a1023bb2795745fd94104bd6ae33875058/" * maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "unsigned int" (default) * maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default) * maxTCams = 10 * maxViewAngle = 70 * minViewAngle = 2 * nbGPUs = 0 * output = "C:/Users/Util/AppData/Local/Temp/MeshroomCache/DepthMap/cece5ad6587619f045496f9c2fce6fa8a69503e8" * rangeSize = 3 * rangeStart = 0 * refineEnabled = 1 * refineGammaC = 15.5 * refineGammaP = 8 * refineHalfNbDepths = 15 * refineInterpolateMiddleDepth = 0 * refineMaxTCamsPerTile = 4 * refineScale = 1 * refineSigma = 15 * refineStepXY = 1 * refineSubsampling = 10 * refineUseConsistentScale = 0 * refineUseCustomPatchPattern = 0 * refineWSH = 3 * sgmDepthListPerTile = 1 * sgmDepthThicknessInflate = 0 * sgmFilteringAxes = "YX" * sgmGammaC = 5.5 * sgmGammaP = 8 * sgmMaxDepths = 1500 * sgmMaxSimilarity = 1 * sgmMaxTCamsPerTile = 4 * sgmP1 = 10 * sgmP2Weighting = 100 * sgmScale = 2 * sgmSeedsRangeInflate = 0.2 * sgmStepXY = 2 * sgmStepZ = -1 * sgmUseConsistentScale = 0 * sgmUseCustomPatchPattern = 0 * sgmUseSfmSeeds = 1 * sgmWSH = 4 * tileBufferHeight = 1024 * tileBufferWidth = 1024 * tilePadding = 64 * verboseLevel = "info" Hardware : Detected core count : 8 OpenMP will use 8 cores Detected available memory : 8546 Mo [11:09:49.420013][info] CUDA-Enabled GPU. Device information: - id: 0 - name: Quadro M620 - compute capability: 5.0 - clock frequency (kHz): 1017500 - total device memory: 2048 MB - device memory available: 1683 MB - per-block shared memory: 49152 - warp size: 32 - max threads per block: 1024 - max threads per SM(X): 2048 - max block sizes: {1024,1024,64} - max grid sizes: {2147483647,65535,65535} - max 2D array texture: {65536,65536} - max 3D array texture: {4096,4096,4096} - max 2D linear texture: {65536,65536,1048544} - max 2D layered texture: {16384,16384,2048} - number of SM(x)s: 4 - registers per SM(x): 65536 - registers per block: 65536 - concurrent kernels: yes - mapping host memory: yes - unified addressing: yes - texture alignment: 512 byte - pitch alignment: 32 byte CUDA build version: 11.6 [11:09:50.155630][info] Supported CUDA-Enabled GPU detected. [11:09:50.316826][info] Found 1 image dimension(s): [11:09:50.316826][info] - [4000x3000] [11:09:50.405615][info] Overall maximum dimension: [4000x3000] [11:09:50.405615][info] Tiling information: - parameters: - buffer width: 1024 px - buffer height: 1024 px - padding: 64 px - maximum downscale: 4 - maximum image width: 2000 px - maximum image height: 1500 px - maximum effective tile width: 896 px - maximum effective tile height: 896 px - # tiles on X-side: 3 - # tiles on Y-side: 2 - effective tile width: 668 px - effective tile height: 752 px - tile list: - tile (1/6) size: 732x816 px, roi: [x: 0-732, y: 0-816] - tile (2/6) size: 732x748 px, roi: [x: 0-732, y: 752-1500] - tile (3/6) size: 732x816 px, roi: [x: 668-1400, y: 0-816] - tile (4/6) size: 732x748 px, roi: [x: 668-1400, y: 752-1500] - tile (5/6) size: 664x816 px, roi: [x: 1336-2000, y: 0-816] - tile (6/6) size: 664x748 px, roi: [x: 1336-2000, y: 752-1500] [11:09:50.405615][info] SGM parameters: - scale: 2 - stepXY: 2 [11:09:50.405615][info] Refine parameters: - scale: 1 - stepXY: 1 [11:09:50.405615][info] Number of GPU devices: 1, number of CPU threads: 8 [11:09:50.406575][info] Found only 5/10 nearest cameras for view id: 29765948 [11:09:50.415549][info] Found only 8/10 nearest cameras for view id: 131282374 [11:09:50.510669][info] Device memory: - available: 1346.64 MB - requirement for the first tile: 850.092 MB - # computation buffers per tile: 472.437 MB (Sgm: 378.437 MB, Refine: 94 MB) - # input images (R + 10 Ts): 377.655 MB (single mipmap image size: 34.3323 MB) [11:09:50.510669][info] Parallelization: - # tiles per image: 6 - # simultaneous depth maps computation: 1 - # simultaneous tiles computation: 2 [11:09:50.547609][info] Device memory (device id: 0): - used: 1310.7 MB - available: 737.303 MB - total: 2048 MB [11:09:59.324535][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Camera / Depth information: - R camera: - id: 0 - view id: 29765948 - depth planes: 32 - depths range: [1.69659-2.9426] - T cameras: - T camera (1/1): - id: 3 - view id: 168299382 - depth planes: 32 - depths range: [1.69659-2.9426] - depth indexes range: [0-32] [11:09:59.324535][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM depth/thickness map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:09:59.324535][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Compute similarity volume. [11:09:59.325534][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Compute similarity volume done. [11:09:59.325534][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Optimizing volume (filtering axes: YX). [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Optimizing volume done. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume done. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM depth/thickness map done. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Smooth thickness map. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) SGM Smooth thickness map done. [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Refine depth/sim map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:09:59.348480][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume. [11:09:59.349474][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume done. [11:09:59.349474][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Color optimize depth/sim map. [11:09:59.350467][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Color optimize depth/sim map done. [11:09:59.350467][info] (rc: 0, tile: 3/6) Refine depth/sim map done. [11:09:59.352462][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Camera / Depth information: - R camera: - id: 0 - view id: 29765948 - depth planes: 122 - depths range: [0.322484-2.76685] - T cameras: - T camera (1/1): - id: 3 - view id: 168299382 - depth planes: 122 - depths range: [0.322484-2.76685] - depth indexes range: [0-122] [11:09:59.352462][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM depth/thickness map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:09:59.352462][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Compute similarity volume. [11:09:59.352462][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Compute similarity volume done. [11:09:59.352462][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Optimizing volume (filtering axes: YX). [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Optimizing volume done. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume done. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM depth/thickness map done. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Smooth thickness map. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) SGM Smooth thickness map done. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Refine depth/sim map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume done. [11:09:59.461119][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Color optimize depth/sim map. [11:09:59.462117][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Color optimize depth/sim map done. [11:09:59.462117][info] (rc: 0, tile: 4/6) Refine depth/sim map done. [11:09:59.467110][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Camera / Depth information: - R camera: - id: 0 - view id: 29765948 - depth planes: 563 - depths range: [0.125786-1.1608] - T cameras: - T camera (1/4): - id: 3 - view id: 168299382 - depth planes: 563 - depths range: [0.125786-1.1608] - depth indexes range: [0-563] - T camera (2/4): - id: 30 - view id: 1946660173 - depth planes: 389 - depths range: [0.2058-1.1608] - depth indexes range: [174-563] - T camera (3/4): - id: 28 - view id: 1771866623 - depth planes: 563 - depths range: [0.125786-1.1608] - depth indexes range: [0-563] - T camera (4/4): - id: 20 - view id: 1159627245 - depth planes: 553 - depths range: [0.125786-1.04213] - depth indexes range: [0-553] [11:09:59.467110][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM depth/thickness map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:09:59.467110][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Compute similarity volume. [11:09:59.467110][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Compute similarity volume done. [11:09:59.467110][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Optimizing volume (filtering axes: YX). [11:10:00.679460][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Optimizing volume done. [11:10:00.679460][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Retrieve best depth in volume done. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM depth/thickness map done. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Smooth thickness map. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) SGM Smooth thickness map done. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Refine depth/sim map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume. [11:10:00.680479][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Refine and fuse depth/sim map volume done. [11:10:00.681426][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Color optimize depth/sim map. [11:10:00.695417][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Color optimize depth/sim map done. [11:10:00.695417][info] (rc: 0, tile: 5/6) Refine depth/sim map done. [11:10:00.697380][info] (rc: 0, tile: 6/6) Camera / Depth information: - R camera: - id: 0 - view id: 29765948 - depth planes: 401 - depths range: [4.52351e-05-2.82081] - T cameras: - T camera (1/1): - id: 3 - view id: 168299382 - depth planes: 401 - depths range: [4.52351e-05-2.82081] - depth indexes range: [0-401] [11:10:00.697380][info] (rc: 0, tile: 6/6) SGM depth/thickness map of view id: 29765948, rc: 0 (1 / 33). [11:10:00.697380][info] (rc: 0, tile: 6/6) SGM Compute similarity volume. [11:10:00.698383][info] (rc: 0, tile: 6/6) SGM Compute similarity volume done. [11:10:00.698383][info] (rc: 0, tile: 6/6) SGM Optimizing volume (filtering axes: YX). CUDAError: no error file: C:\Release\sources\official\AliceVision\src\aliceVision\depthMap\cuda\planeSweeping\ function: aliceVision::depthMap::cuda_volumeAggregatePath line: 373 Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée, je ne comprends pas CUDAerror: no error
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