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Ou sont les pièces à imprimer pour ma reprap


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Bonjour, je vous contacte car je ne sais pas ou sont les fichier 3d à imprimer pour fabriquer ma prusa i3 BOX FRAME. Y a t'il des fichiers spécial ou ce sont ceux de la prusa I3 rework ou ceux de la prusa i3. Et où les trouver.

Merci de votre aide précieuse


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Ho oui merci, c'est bien ce que j'avais fais mais je n'étais pas allé au delà de la page 1( belle erreur)

Sur la deuxième page il y a un site, github. J'ai téléchargé le fichier ZIP.

Mais dedans je m'y perd un peu.

1) il disent qu'il y a un fichier nomé sample_stls où dedans il y a des configuration communes. Que dois-je en faire ?

2)il y a un autre fichier Readme et il dis ça :

## To start:

Copy configuration.scad.dist to configuration.scad and fill custom settings section there.

Donc ça veut dire quoi ? Que je dois copier le texte qui est dans le fichier configuration.scad.dist et le copier dans le fichier configuration.scad ?

RP every .scad in this directory once

Aim for 0.3mm layers and 2.2 extrusion width (width over thickness), for 0.66mm stroke width. Printer is tested at this setting.

Alors ça je n'ai compris absolument rien, est ce que ce sont les réglages à faire avant l'impression ?

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Ok en gros c comme RAR et ZIP ou encore JPEG et IMG.

Et je ne comprend rien au ficher configuration.scad

Et ce que vous pouvez me dire les paramètres ( remplissage, épaisseur,...)

Voici configuration.scad.dist

// PRUSA iteration3

// Configuration file

// GNU GPL v3

// Josef Průša

// Václav 'ax' Hůla



include ;

include ;

// Custom settings here, tailor to your supplies and print settings

// Extruder settings **********************************************************

// Don't forget to set your slicer's extruder settings to match the values you

// enter here.

layer_height = 0.3;

// Width over thickness determines how wide the plastic will be when extruded

// onto the object that is being printed. width_over_thickness is multiplied

// by the layer_height to calculate this width. i.e. If your layer_height is

// set to 0.3 mm and your width_over_thickness is set to 2.2, the resulting

// width will be 0.66 mm.

width_over_thickness = 2.2;

// Select your belt type ******************************************************

// T2.5

//belt_width = 6.5; //add 0.5 to actual width

//belt_tooth_distance = 2.5;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 0.8;

// T5 (strongly discouraged)

//belt_width = 6.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 5;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 0.8;

// HTD3

//belt_width = 9.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 3;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 1.75;

// MXL

//belt_width = 6.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 2.032;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.64;

//belt_thickness = i have no idea;

// GT2

// there is bunch of GT2 belts with different tooth-to-tooth distance

// this one is most common in reprap world

// adjust to your needs.

belt_width = 6.5;

belt_tooth_distance = 2;

belt_tooth_ratio = 0.5;

belt_thickness = 0.8;

// Choose bearing/bushing configuration ***************************************

// conf_b_* are in inc/conf_bushing.scad

bushing_xy = conf_b_lm8uu;

bushing_z = conf_b_lm8uu;

// for longer bearings use one shorter in x-carriage to make place for belt attachment

// by default use same as xy

bushing_carriage = bushing_xy;

// Select idler bearing size **************************************************

// bearing_* are in inc/conf_bushing.scad

idler_bearing = bearing_623;

// Select carriage lenght ******************************************************

// 30 for single carriage extruder (two holes with centers 30mm apart)

// 50 for wade or single with fan (three holes, 30-20)

// 80 for full length carriage (four holes, 30-20-30)

carriage_l_base = 50;

// Fillets ********************************************************************

// fillets are rounded corners of boxes. The right engineering term is probably radius

// but cad software calls it fillet.

// mostly cosmetic, except z axis.

// 0 = no fillets

// 1 = fillet

// 2 = chamfer (cut the edges at 45deg. angle)

// Please do put only parts with fillets on sale, other options are not really tested

use_fillets = 1;

// set to 0 for single plate (affects z axis and screws that attach RP parts to frame)

i_am_box = 0;

// if you do your own plate and can move bottom Z screws 5mm up set this to 0 to

// get stronger motor mount. Only for i_am_box = 0

i_want_to_use_single_plate_dxf_and_make_my_z_weaker = 1;

// Radius of long threaded rod on Y frame

// Affects y-axis-corner (both box and single plate)

// and y-axis-bracket (box only)

//Use 5.4 for M10 or 4.4 for M8

y_threaded_rod_long_r = 5.4;

// Thickness of the boards that make the box frame.

// in y-axis-corner it governs the height of the corners by adjusting the

// distance between ground and M10 threaded rod. (both box and single plate)

// For box model, the parts that hold Z smooth rod have one hole from front

// and one from side, and this setting makes sure that the screw from side

// is in the center of the plank.

// Use 12 for single plate

// or 20 if you want to use the Y lm8uu holders

// (extras/bearing-holder-single-plate-y)

board_thickness = 12;

// Segments of small holes. some poeple claim that a low value makes them easier to print.


// functions

include ;

include ;

// These constants define the geometry of the doc/complete-printer.scad






Et voici configuration.scad

// PRUSA iteration3

// Configuration file

// GNU GPL v3

// Josef Průša

// Václav 'ax' Hůla



include ;

include ;

// Custom settings here, tailor to your supplies and print settings

// Extruder settings **********************************************************

// Don't forget to set your slicer's extruder settings to match the values you

// enter here.

layer_height = 0.3;

// Width over thickness determines how wide the plastic will be when extruded

// onto the object that is being printed. width_over_thickness is multiplied

// by the layer_height to calculate this width. i.e. If your layer_height is

// set to 0.3 mm and your width_over_thickness is set to 2.2, the resulting

// width will be 0.66 mm.

width_over_thickness = 2.2;

// Select your belt type ******************************************************

// T2.5

//belt_width = 6.5; //add 0.5 to actual width

//belt_tooth_distance = 2.5;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 0.8;

// T5 (strongly discouraged)

//belt_width = 6.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 5;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 0.8;

// HTD3

//belt_width = 9.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 3;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.75;

//belt_thickness = 1.75;

// MXL

//belt_width = 6.5;

//belt_tooth_distance = 2.032;

//belt_tooth_ratio = 0.64;

//belt_thickness = i have no idea;

// GT2

// there is bunch of GT2 belts with different tooth-to-tooth distance

// this one is most common in reprap world

// adjust to your needs.

belt_width = 6.5;

belt_tooth_distance = 2;

belt_tooth_ratio = 0.5;

belt_thickness = 0.8;

// Choose bearing/bushing configuration ***************************************

// conf_b_* are in inc/conf_bushing.scad

bushing_xy = conf_b_lm10uu;

bushing_z = conf_b_lm10uu;

// for longer bearings use one shorter in x-carriage to make place for belt attachment

// by default use same as xy

bushing_carriage = bushing_xy;

// Select idler bearing size **************************************************

// bearing_* are in inc/conf_bushing.scad

idler_bearing = bearing_623;

// Select carriage lenght ******************************************************

// 30 for single carriage extruder (two holes with centers 30mm apart)

// 50 for wade or single with fan (three holes, 30-20)

// 80 for full length carriage (four holes, 30-20-30)

carriage_l_base = 50;

// Fillets ********************************************************************

// fillets are rounded corners of boxes. The right engineering term is probably radius

// but cad software calls it fillet.

// mostly cosmetic, except z axis.

// 0 = no fillets

// 1 = fillet

// 2 = chamfer (cut the edges at 45deg. angle)

// Please do put only parts with fillets on sale, other options are not really tested

use_fillets = 1;

// set to 0 for single plate (affects z axis and screws that attach RP parts to frame)

i_am_box = 1;

// if you do your own plate and can move bottom Z screws 5mm up set this to 0 to

// get stronger motor mount. Only for i_am_box = 0

i_want_to_use_single_plate_dxf_and_make_my_z_weaker = 1;

// Radius of long threaded rod on Y frame

// Affects y-axis-corner (both box and single plate)

// and y-axis-bracket (box only)

//Use 5.4 for M10 or 4.4 for M8

y_threaded_rod_long_r = 5.4;

// Thickness of the boards that make the box frame.

// in y-axis-corner it governs the height of the corners by adjusting the

// distance between ground and M10 threaded rod. (both box and single plate)

// For box model, the parts that hold Z smooth rod have one hole from front

// and one from side, and this setting makes sure that the screw from side

// is in the center of the plank.

// Use 12 for single plate

// or 20 if you want to use the Y lm8uu holders

// (extras/bearing-holder-single-plate-y)

board_thickness = 18;

// Segments of small holes. some poeple claim that a low value makes them easier to print.


// functions

include ;

include ;

// These constants define the geometry of the doc/complete-printer.scad






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