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Après avoir abandonner quelques temps je reviens sur la configuration de ma Dagoma Disco-ultimate bi-couleur.

J'ai tenté de me baser sur le tuto Klipper du forum , mais pour le moment sans réel succès. J'ai semblerait-il "réussi" à paramétrer l'axe Y, mais sans plus.

Suite aux conversations sur le tuto je me suis basé sur la configuration "generic-ramps.cfg
", il semblerait que la voie soit bonne étant donné que l’imprimante réagi aux commandes.

Mais arrivé sur l'axe Y, pas bien loin du coup, je patauge... Soit le end_step est pas reconnu, soit il est reconnu enclenché sans même que le plateau bouge... (Endstop y still triggered after retract)

J'ai récupéré les sources du firmware Marlin 2 pour la Dagoma DU: qui est une F5 ( )

En parcourant les fichiers trouvés en suivant le fil de "configuration.h > configuration_adv.h > pins_DAGOMA_F5.h > pins_RAMPS.h" voici les résultats trouvés:

pins_DAGOMA_F5.h :

 * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
 * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware []
 * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#pragma once

#if HOTENDS > 2 || E_STEPPERS > 2
  #error "Dagoma3D F5 supports only 2 hotends / E-steppers. Comment out this line to continue."

#define BOARD_INFO_NAME "Dagoma3D F5"

// Endstops
#define X_STOP_PIN                            2
#define Y_STOP_PIN                            3
#define Z_STOP_PIN                           15
#define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN                       39
  #define FIL_RUNOUT2_PIN                    14

// LCD delays
#define BOARD_ST7920_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
#define BOARD_ST7920_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(250)
#define BOARD_ST7920_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(250)

// DAC steppers

#define DAC_STEPPER_ORDER { 0, 1, 2, 3 }

#define DAC_STEPPER_SENSE    0.11
#define DAC_STEPPER_MAX      4096
#define DAC_STEPPER_VREF     1
#define DAC_STEPPER_GAIN     0
#define DAC_OR_ADDRESS       0x00

// Import default RAMPS 1.4 pins
#include "pins_RAMPS.h"


Et pins_RAMPS.h

 * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
 * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware []
 * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#pragma once

 * Arduino Mega with RAMPS v1.4 (or v1.3) pin assignments
 * Applies to the following boards:
 *  RAMPS_14_EFB (Hotend, Fan, Bed)
 *  RAMPS_14_EEB (Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
 *  RAMPS_14_EFF (Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
 *  RAMPS_14_EEF (Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
 *  RAMPS_14_SF  (Spindle, Controller Fan)
 *  RAMPS_13_EFB (Hotend, Fan, Bed)
 *  RAMPS_13_EEB (Hotend0, Hotend1, Bed)
 *  RAMPS_13_EFF (Hotend, Fan0, Fan1)
 *  RAMPS_13_EEF (Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan)
 *  RAMPS_13_SF  (Spindle, Controller Fan)
 *  Other pins_MYBOARD.h files may override these defaults
 *  Differences between
 *  RAMPS_13 | RAMPS_14
 *         7 | 11

#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
  #error "Oops! Set MOTHERBOARD to an LPC1768-based board when building for LPC1768."
#elif defined(__STM32F1__)
  #error "Oops! Set MOTHERBOARD to an STM32F1-based board when building for STM32F1."

  #error "Oops! Select 'Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560' in 'Tools > Board.'"

// Custom flags and defines for the build

  #define BOARD_INFO_NAME "RAMPS 1.4"

// Servos
#ifndef SERVO0_PIN
  #ifdef IS_RAMPS_13
    #define SERVO0_PIN                         7
    #define SERVO0_PIN                        11
#ifndef SERVO1_PIN
  #define SERVO1_PIN                           6
#ifndef SERVO2_PIN
  #define SERVO2_PIN                           5
#ifndef SERVO3_PIN
  #define SERVO3_PIN                           4

// Limit Switches
#ifndef X_STOP_PIN
  #ifndef X_MIN_PIN
    #define X_MIN_PIN                          3
  #ifndef X_MAX_PIN
    #define X_MAX_PIN                          2
#ifndef Y_STOP_PIN
  #ifndef Y_MIN_PIN
    #define Y_MIN_PIN                         14
  #ifndef Y_MAX_PIN
    #define Y_MAX_PIN                         15
#ifndef Z_STOP_PIN
  #ifndef Z_MIN_PIN
    #define Z_MIN_PIN                         18
  #ifndef Z_MAX_PIN
    #define Z_MAX_PIN                         19

// Z Probe (when not Z_MIN_PIN)
  #define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN                     32

// Steppers
#define X_STEP_PIN                            54
#define X_DIR_PIN                             55
#define X_ENABLE_PIN                          38
#ifndef X_CS_PIN
  #define X_CS_PIN                            53

#define Y_STEP_PIN                            60
#define Y_DIR_PIN                             61
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN                          56
#ifndef Y_CS_PIN
  #define Y_CS_PIN                            49

#ifndef Z_STEP_PIN
  #define Z_STEP_PIN                          46
#define Z_DIR_PIN                             48
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN                          62
#ifndef Z_CS_PIN
  #define Z_CS_PIN                            40

#define E0_STEP_PIN                           26
#define E0_DIR_PIN                            28
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN                         24
#ifndef E0_CS_PIN
  #define E0_CS_PIN                           42

#define E1_STEP_PIN                           36
#define E1_DIR_PIN                            34
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN                         30
#ifndef E1_CS_PIN
  #define E1_CS_PIN                           44

// Temperature Sensors
#ifndef TEMP_0_PIN
  #define TEMP_0_PIN                          13  // Analog Input
#ifndef TEMP_1_PIN
  #define TEMP_1_PIN                          15  // Analog Input
#ifndef TEMP_BED_PIN
  #define TEMP_BED_PIN                        14  // Analog Input

// SPI for Max6675 or Max31855 Thermocouple
#ifndef MAX6675_SS_PIN
  #define MAX6675_SS_PIN                      66  // Don't use 53 if using Display/SD card (SDSS) or 49 (SD_DETECT_PIN)

// Augmentation for auto-assigning RAMPS plugs
      #define IS_RAMPS_EEB
      #define IS_RAMPS_EEF
    #define IS_RAMPS_EFB
    #define IS_RAMPS_EFF

// Heaters / Fans
#ifndef MOSFET_D_PIN
  #define MOSFET_D_PIN                        -1
#ifndef RAMPS_D8_PIN
  #define RAMPS_D8_PIN                         8
#ifndef RAMPS_D9_PIN
  #define RAMPS_D9_PIN                         9
#ifndef RAMPS_D10_PIN
  #define RAMPS_D10_PIN                       10

#define HEATER_0_PIN               RAMPS_D10_PIN

#if ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EFB)                         // Hotend, Fan, Bed
  #define HEATER_BED_PIN            RAMPS_D8_PIN
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEF)                       // Hotend, Hotend, Fan
  #define HEATER_1_PIN              RAMPS_D9_PIN
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEB)                       // Hotend, Hotend, Bed
  #define HEATER_1_PIN              RAMPS_D9_PIN
  #define HEATER_BED_PIN            RAMPS_D8_PIN
#elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EFF)                       // Hotend, Fan, Fan
  #define FAN1_PIN                  RAMPS_D8_PIN
#elif DISABLED(IS_RAMPS_SF)                       // Not Spindle, Fan (i.e., "EFBF" or "EFBE")
  #define HEATER_BED_PIN            RAMPS_D8_PIN
  #if HOTENDS == 1
    #define FAN1_PIN                MOSFET_D_PIN
    #define HEATER_1_PIN            MOSFET_D_PIN

#ifndef FAN_PIN
  #if EITHER(IS_RAMPS_EFB, IS_RAMPS_EFF)          // Hotend, Fan, Bed or Hotend, Fan, Fan
    #define FAN_PIN                 RAMPS_D9_PIN
  #elif EITHER(IS_RAMPS_EEF, IS_RAMPS_SF)         // Hotend, Hotend, Fan or Spindle, Fan
    #define FAN_PIN                 RAMPS_D8_PIN
  #elif ENABLED(IS_RAMPS_EEB)                     // Hotend, Hotend, Bed
    #define FAN_PIN                            4  // IO pin. Buffer needed
  #else                                           // Non-specific are "EFB" (i.e., "EFBF" or "EFBE")
    #define FAN_PIN                 RAMPS_D9_PIN

// Misc. Functions
#define SDSS                                  53
#define LED_PIN                               13

  #define FILWIDTH_PIN                         5  // Analog Input on AUX2

// RAMPS 1.4 DIO 4 on the servos connector
  #define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN                       4

#ifndef PS_ON_PIN
  #define PS_ON_PIN                           12

  #if NUM_SERVOS <= 1                             // Prefer the servo connector
    #define CASE_LIGHT_PIN                     6  // Hardware PWM
    #define CASE_LIGHT_PIN                    44  // Hardware PWM

// M3/M4/M5 - Spindle/Laser Control
  #if !NUM_SERVOS                                 // Use servo connector if possible
    #define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN              4  // Pullup or pulldown!
    #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN              6  // Hardware PWM
    #define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN                    5
    #define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN             40  // Pullup or pulldown!
    #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN             44  // Hardware PWM
    #define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN                   65
    #error "No auto-assignable Spindle/Laser pins available."

// TMC software SPI
  #ifndef TMC_SW_MOSI
    #define TMC_SW_MOSI                       66
  #ifndef TMC_SW_MISO
    #define TMC_SW_MISO                       44
  #ifndef TMC_SW_SCK
    #define TMC_SW_SCK                        64

   * TMC2208/TMC2209 stepper drivers
   * Hardware serial communication ports.
   * If undefined software serial is used according to the pins below
  //#define X_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define X2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define Y_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define Y2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define Z_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define Z2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define E0_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define E1_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define E2_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define E3_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1
  //#define E4_HARDWARE_SERIAL Serial1

  // Software serial

  #ifndef X_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define X_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   40
  #ifndef X_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define X_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   63
  #ifndef X2_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define X2_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef X2_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define X2_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1

  #ifndef Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   59
  #ifndef Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   64
  #ifndef Y2_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define Y2_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef Y2_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define Y2_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1

  #ifndef Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN                   42
  #ifndef Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN                   65
  #ifndef Z2_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define Z2_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef Z2_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define Z2_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1

  #ifndef E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  44
  #ifndef E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  66
  #ifndef E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E2_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E2_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E2_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E2_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E3_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E3_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E3_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E3_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E4_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E4_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E4_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E4_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E5_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E5_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E5_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E5_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E6_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E6_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E6_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E6_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E7_SERIAL_TX_PIN
    #define E7_SERIAL_TX_PIN                  -1
  #ifndef E7_SERIAL_RX_PIN
    #define E7_SERIAL_RX_PIN                  -1

// Průša i3 MK2 Multiplexer Support
#ifndef E_MUX0_PIN
  #define E_MUX0_PIN                          40  // Z_CS_PIN
#ifndef E_MUX1_PIN
  #define E_MUX1_PIN                          42  // E0_CS_PIN
#ifndef E_MUX2_PIN
  #define E_MUX2_PIN                          44  // E1_CS_PIN

// LCDs and Controllers //


  // LCD Display output pins

    #define LCD_PINS_RS                       49  // CS chip select /SS chip slave select
    #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE                   51  // SID (MOSI)
    #define LCD_PINS_D4                       52  // SCK (CLK) clock


    #define LCD_PINS_RS                       40
    #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE                   42
    #define LCD_PINS_D4                       65
    #define LCD_PINS_D5                       66
    #define LCD_PINS_D6                       44
    #define LCD_PINS_D7                       64


    #define TFTGLCD_CS                        33



      #define LCD_PINS_RS                     27
      #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE                 29
      #define LCD_PINS_D4                     25

        #define BEEPER_PIN                    37


      #define LCD_PINS_RS                     64
      #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE                 44
      #define LCD_PINS_D4                     63
      #define LCD_PINS_D5                     40
      #define LCD_PINS_D6                     42
      #define LCD_PINS_D7                     65


      #if EITHER(MKS_12864OLED, MKS_12864OLED_SSD1306)
        #define LCD_PINS_DC                   25  // Set as output on init
        #define LCD_PINS_RS                   27  // Pull low for 1s to init
        // DOGM SPI LCD Support
        #define DOGLCD_CS                     16
        #define DOGLCD_MOSI                   17
        #define DOGLCD_SCK                    23
        #define DOGLCD_A0            LCD_PINS_DC
        #define LCD_PINS_RS                   16
        #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE               17
        #define LCD_PINS_D4                   23
        #define LCD_PINS_D5                   25
        #define LCD_PINS_D6                   27

      #define LCD_PINS_D7                     29

        #define BEEPER_PIN                    33


      // Buttons attached to a shift register
      // Not wired yet
      //#define SHIFT_CLK                     38
      //#define SHIFT_LD                      42
      //#define SHIFT_OUT                     40
      //#define SHIFT_EN                      17


  // LCD Display input pins


      #define BEEPER_PIN                      37

        #define BTN_EN1                       17
        #define BTN_EN2                       23
        #define BTN_EN1                       31
        #define BTN_EN2                       33

      #define BTN_ENC                         35
      #ifndef SD_DETECT_PIN
        #define SD_DETECT_PIN                 49
      #ifndef KILL_PIN
        #define KILL_PIN                      41

        #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN             39


      #define BTN_EN1                         64
      #define BTN_EN2                         59
      #define BTN_ENC                         63
      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   42


      #define BTN_EN1                         47
      #define BTN_EN2                         43
      #define BTN_ENC                         32
      #define LCD_SDSS                      SDSS
      #define KILL_PIN                        41


      #define BTN_EN1                         40  // explains 40/42.
      #define BTN_EN2                         42
      #define BTN_ENC                         -1

      #define LCD_SDSS                      SDSS
      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   49

    #elif ANY(VIKI2, miniVIKI)

      #define DOGLCD_CS                       45
      #define DOGLCD_A0                       44
      #define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180

      #define BEEPER_PIN                      33
      #define STAT_LED_RED_PIN                32
      #define STAT_LED_BLUE_PIN               35

      #define BTN_EN1                         22
      #define BTN_EN2                          7
      #define BTN_ENC                         39

      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   -1  // Pin 49 for display SD interface, 72 for easy adapter board
      #define KILL_PIN                        31


      #define DOGLCD_CS                       29
      #define DOGLCD_A0                       27

      #define BEEPER_PIN                      23
      #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN               33

      #define BTN_EN1                         35
      #define BTN_EN2                         37
      #define BTN_ENC                         31

      #define LCD_SDSS                      SDSS
      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   49
      #define KILL_PIN                        41

    #elif EITHER(MKS_MINI_12864, FYSETC_MINI_12864)

      #define BEEPER_PIN                      37
      #define BTN_ENC                         35
      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   49

      #ifndef KILL_PIN
        #define KILL_PIN                      41

      #if ENABLED(MKS_MINI_12864)

        #define DOGLCD_A0                     27
        #define DOGLCD_CS                     25

        // GLCD features
        // Uncomment screen orientation
        //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_90
        //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
        //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_270

        // not connected to a pin
        #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN             -1  // 65 (MKS mini12864 can't adjust backlight by software!)

        #define BTN_EN1                       31
        #define BTN_EN2                       33

      #elif ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864)

        // From

        #define DOGLCD_A0                     16
        #define DOGLCD_CS                     17

        #define BTN_EN1                       33
        #define BTN_EN2                       31

        //#define FORCE_SOFT_SPI                  // Use this if default of hardware SPI causes display problems
                                                  //   results in LCD soft SPI mode 3, SD soft SPI mode 0

        #define LCD_RESET_PIN                 23  // Must be high or open for LCD to operate normally.

        #if EITHER(FYSETC_MINI_12864_1_2, FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_0)
          #ifndef RGB_LED_R_PIN
            #define RGB_LED_R_PIN             25
          #ifndef RGB_LED_G_PIN
            #define RGB_LED_G_PIN             27
          #ifndef RGB_LED_B_PIN
            #define RGB_LED_B_PIN             29
        #elif ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1)
          #define NEOPIXEL_PIN                25



      #define BEEPER_PIN                      42
      // not connected to a pin
      #define LCD_BACKLIGHT_PIN               65  // backlight LED on A11/D65

      #define DOGLCD_A0                       44
      #define DOGLCD_CS                       66

      // GLCD features
      // Uncomment screen orientation
      //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_90
      //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
      //#define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_270

      #define BTN_EN1                         40
      #define BTN_EN2                         63
      #define BTN_ENC                         59

      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   49
      #define KILL_PIN                        64


      #define ADC_KEYPAD_PIN                  12

    #elif ENABLED(AZSMZ_12864)

      // Pins only defined for RAMPS_SMART currently


      #define SD_DETECT_PIN                   49


      // Beeper on AUX-4
      #define BEEPER_PIN                      33

      // Buttons are directly attached to AUX-2
        #define BTN_EN1                       59  // AUX2 PIN 3
        #define BTN_EN2                       63  // AUX2 PIN 4
        #define BTN_ENC                       49  // AUX3 PIN 7
        #define BTN_EN1                       37
        #define BTN_EN2                       35
        #define BTN_ENC                       31

      #if ENABLED(G3D_PANEL)
        #define SD_DETECT_PIN                 49
        #define KILL_PIN                      41

  #endif // NEWPANEL

#endif // HAS_WIRED_LCD

  #define SHIFT_OUT                           40
  #define SHIFT_CLK                           44
  #define SHIFT_LD                            42
  #ifndef BTN_EN1
    #define BTN_EN1                           64
  #ifndef BTN_EN2
    #define BTN_EN2                           59
  #ifndef BTN_ENC
    #define BTN_ENC                           63


  #error "CAUTION! LCD_FYSETC_TFT81050 requires wiring modifications. See 'pins_RAMPS.h' for details. Comment out this line to continue."

  /** FYSETC TFT TFT81050 display pinout
   *               Board                                     Display
   *               _____                                     _____
   *  (SCK)   D52 | 1 2 | D50    (MISO)                MISO | 1 2 | SCK
   *  (SD_CS) D53 | 3 4 | D33 (BNT_EN2) (BNT_EN2) MOD_RESET | 3 4 | SD_CS
   *  (MOSI)  D51 | 5 6   D31 (BNT_EN1) (BNT_EN1)    LCD_CS | 5 6   MOSI
   *        RESET | 7 8 | D49  (SD_DET)              SD_DET | 7 8 | RESET
   *           NC | 9 10| GND                           GND | 9 10| 5V
   *               -----                                     -----
   *                EXP2                                      EXP1
   * Needs custom cable:
   *    Board   Adapter   Display
   *           _________
   *   EXP2-1 ----------- EXP1-10
   *   EXP2-2 ----------- EXP1-9
   *   EXP2-4 ----------- EXP1-8
   *   EXP2-4 ----------- EXP1-7
   *   EXP2-3 ----------- EXP1-6
   *   EXP2-6 ----------- EXP1-5
   *   EXP2-7 ----------- EXP1-4
   *   EXP2-8 ----------- EXP1-3
   *   EXP2-1 ----------- EXP1-2
   *  EXP1-10 ----------- EXP1-1
   *  NOTE: The MISO pin should not get a 5V signal.
   *        To fix, insert a 1N4148 diode in the MISO line.

  #define BEEPER_PIN                          37

  #define SD_DETECT_PIN                       49

  #define CLCD_MOD_RESET                      31
  #define CLCD_SPI_CS                         33

Mais je ne sais pas me répérer dans tout ça,je ne suis même pas sûr d'avoir bien configurer les pins dans le firmware, la plupart des recommandations précisaient qu'il n'y avait pas besoin.


Pourriez-vous m'aider svp ?

Merci, cordialement, Skwal

Modifié (le) par Skwal

Il faut voir avec @fran6p le spécialiste pour ça.

  • Merci ! 1

Zut j'ai pensé que remettre à jour le firmware aiderai, mais l'imprimante ne répond plus.

Bizarre car la compilation qui fonctionnait avait tout par défaut (ATMEga2560), ce que j'ai refais, mais là non...

Pis pour pas arranger les choses la Dagoma à une F5 "custom by Dagoma"...


Un coup de main svp ? 🙂

Posté(e) (modifié)

@Skwal Tu à regarder 

Modifié (le) par Morganne46
Posté(e) (modifié)

Oui Morganne, c'est pas faute d'avoir consulté tout ce que je pouvais, mais je reste dans le flou.


Edtion: le firmware refonctionne, ouf, mais j'en suis toujours sur l'axe y qui ne veut rien savoir.

Modifié (le) par Skwal

J'aurais aimé t'aidé, mais je ne connais pas du tout Klipper 😞 , d'autres vont te répondre ne t'en fais pas.

  • Merci ! 1
Posté(e) (modifié)

Bonjour 🙂

J'ai encore affiné les recherches et je suis (encore) tombé sur ce schéma de la MKS Gen v1.4 .

Je sais pas si c'est bien le modèle de la carte mère de ma Dagoma mais mon petit doigt me ditque la solution se trouve dedans.

Malheureusement je n'arrive toujours pas à trouver les bons pins, si mon problème vient de là.

Toujours ce problème au niveau du endstep X: Endstop y still triggered after retract.

Cordialement, Skwal

Edition: autre documentation (intérressante?) trouvée:

Modifié (le) par Skwal
Posté(e) (modifié)

Ligne 725 du fichier configuration.h, tu à essayé de les inversé de false à true ?

// Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup).
#define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the probe.
Modifié (le) par Morganne46

Bonjour 🙂

C'est sympa de vouloir aider, mais en fait je chercher à configurer Klipper (via printer.cfg) pour ma Dagoma DU.

SI je ressort le Marlin/Dagoma DU c'est parce qu'on m'a dit que les informations nécessaires, les pins, se trouvent dedans, mais où ?

En tout cas merci 🙂


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