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Need HELP with Sidewinder X2


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Il y a 1 heure, djscholas a dit :

Still the same, damaged, mirrored and upsidedown 😞 @MrMagounet any ideas ?


I also flashed your marlin firmware to check it but nothing changed 😞

it's mirrored but not trun to 180° now, but it's the first time i see this on an Artillery

Hooo i have see your tft board is in version 1.4 🤔, when have you buy your X2 ? I have see tft board in v1.0 with STM32F107, and V1.2 & v1.3 with GD32F305, but it's the first time i see a Version 1.4 i think artillery have made a new version of TFT board with some incompatibility with BTT firmware 😞.

I have see this issue on BTT tft screen when the firmware is not really compatible with board version.


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Il y a 3 heures, MrMagounet a dit :

it's mirrored but not trun to 180° now, but it's the first time i see this on an Artillery

Hooo i have see your tft board is in version 1.4 🤔, when have you buy your X2 ? I have see tft board in v1.0 with STM32F107, and V1.2 & v1.3 with GD32F305, but it's the first time i see a Version 1.4 i think artillery have made a new version of TFT board with some incompatibility with BTT firmware 😞.

I have see this issue on BTT tft screen when the firmware is not really compatible with board version.


I bought it few weeks ago. Also saw that on your firmware printer doesnt work - nothing works when i put whatever on tft (axis movement, temp. Up/down etc). That firmware works well . So I should wait I think 😞 ?

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il y a 35 minutes, djscholas a dit :

I bought it few weeks ago. Also saw that on your firmware printer doesnt work - nothing works when i put whatever on tft (axis movement, temp. Up/down etc). That firmware works well . So I should wait I think 😞 ?

My firmware marlin is set up with baud transfert at 250.000, in this case le tft firmware must be put on 250.000 bauds too. but yes i think the firmware of freakydu work fine, it's just a news version of tft board not compatible with BTT TFT firmware 😞, artillery don't want to sen us nformation regarding the real modiciation, it's very difficult de support a printer with 4 différent tft board on the same printer model.

Currently if you want to use the BTT firmware it was necessary to replace the tft board by a board v1, v1.2 or v1.3.

Sorry i haven't other solution now

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  • 1 month later...
Il y a 2 heures, djscholas a dit :

@MrMagounet Artillery send me whole New tft module, after i changed it - pronter worked fine so i decied i’ll try an update, and… now update works, but…. After install i have an info on my screen „No printer atrached”… omg i have only problems with that printer 😄 could you Help me with that ? 

What is the TFT firmware you have installed on it ? and the marlin firmware installed on your X2 ?

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il y a 26 minutes, djscholas a dit :

Marlin firmware 2.1, now i have TFT firmware from Artillery www site and printer works well. 

But before that i tried install an firmware from your tutorial on this forum, dedicated to GD tft chipset 🙂 i think Gioto or cioto GitHub - something like that 🙂

If you have a TFT  with MCU GD32F305 & bootloader 3.0.5 is necessary to install Ciotto TFT firmware, and if it's my marlin 2.1.2 you must put je TFT baudrate to 250.000.

If you must use Artillery TFT firmware it's possible to adjust Baud to 250.000 on the config.txt before install the tft firmware.

N.B : Apparently Artillery send now some new TFT card version using a new bootloader, and incompatible with Btt firmware.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...


Thank you for the guide MrMagounet.
I tried to follow your guide to upload in DFU mode after I failed to update the firmware the " normal way".

However, I saw this in my log:
It still says that the upload finished, however, my printer is still not recognized by my pc after (no jumper ofcourse).
Do you have any idea ? @MrMagounet ?
Merci beaucoup !!!!

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Il y a 6 heures, hoangnt09 a dit :


Thank you for the guide MrMagounet.
I tried to follow your guide to upload in DFU mode after I failed to update the firmware the " normal way".

However, I saw this in my log:

It still says that the upload finished, however, my printer is still not recognized by my pc after (no jumper ofcourse).
Do you have any idea ? @MrMagounet ?
Merci beaucoup !!!!

Hi @hoangnt09, your issue is due to the version a STM32Cubeprog software, please use version 2.15 or earlier of STM32CubeProg. 😉 

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I have check this issue for some other user recently and after analyse we have found the new version 2.16 is not compatible with the Artillery Ruby mother borad 😉 i have add a notification on my tutorial  2 weeks ago 😉 

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