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Anycubic Kobra 3 Combo

SKR PRO 1.2 / detecteur filament non fonctionnel


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bonjour à tous,

je rencontre un problème pour faire fonctionner mon détecteur de filament.

il s'agit d'un bête  endstop trois broches.

ma carte est une skr pro 1.2.

l 'écran est un BBT FT35-E3 v3.0

le détecteur est branché sur le E0, la pin est la Pin PE15, correctement déclarée dans marlin


(cette image est issue du schéma de ma feu skr pro1.1, je n 'ai pas trouve de schéma spécifique à la 1.2).


je pense que c'est la bonne pin, puisque quand je lance un M119 sur octoprint, j obtiens cela lorsque qu'il y a un filament dans le détecteur :



et cela lorsque qu'il n'y a pas de filament :



je vois donc que détecteur  est reconnu.

Cependant, lorsque je lance un impression en activant le détecteur dans le menu tactile (pas en mode SMART, en mode ON ) , cela m'indique qu'il n'y a pas de filament, et l'impression ne se lance pas. j ai évidemment essayé sans filament , pour voir sir la logique n'était pas inversé, mais rien n'y fait.

ci dessous mon marlin(il me semble que c'est le

, à la section relative au détecteur


#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR //modifié JEANMATH détecteur filament
  #define FIL_RUNOUT_ENABLED_DEFAULT false // Enable the sensor on startup. Override with M412 followed by M500.(ESSAYER TRUE ou FALSE-ne marche pas )
  #define NUM_RUNOUT_SENSORS   1          // Number of sensors, up to one per extruder. Define a FIL_RUNOUT#_PIN for each.
  #define FIL_RUNOUT_STATE     HIGH        // Pin state indicating that filament is NOT present. (ESSAYER HIGH ou LOW, ne marche pas)
  #define FIL_RUNOUT_PULLUP               // Use internal pullup for filament runout pins.
  //#define FIL_RUNOUT_PULLDOWN           // Use internal pulldown for filament runout pins.
 #define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN  PE15   // "Pulled-high" ajout
  // Set one or more commands to execute on filament runout.
  // (After 'M412 H' Marlin will ask the host to handle the process.)
  // After a runout is detected, continue printing this length of filament
  // before executing the runout script. Useful for a sensor at the end of
  // a feed tube. Requires 4 bytes SRAM per sensor, plus 4 bytes overhead.
    // Enable this option to use an encoder disc that toggles the runout pin
    // as the filament moves. (Be sure to set FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM
    // large enough to avoid false positives.)


Bref, cela ne fonctionne pas et cela m’énerve!

j ai lu plusieurs posts à ce sujet, mais je n'ai pas trouvé de solution. j ai vu que certains le branchait directement sur l’écran, cela ne m'arrange pas trop mais bon.

je précise également que j ai déjà réussi à le faire fonctionner, je ne sais plus si c'était sur cette carte un sur la 1.1, ou sur cette version de marlin.

si l'ami @fran6ppouvits m'aider 😄


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Salutation !

Il y a 1 heure, Jeanmath a dit :


A désactiver ? car il me semble que si ton capteur de fin de filament se trouve être un simple switch cela ne conviens pas car c'est pour un système avec une roue d'encodeur qui font des "clic" quand le filament fait tourné la roue, pour mesurer une distance et détecter un blocage bobine / bouchage buse.

Donc pour moi seulement pour se genre de capteur de fin filament




Edit : Aussi comme tu parle d'un BTT TFT 35, a tu bien activé dans le firmware marlin l'ensemble des options spécifié dans le config.ini du firmware de l'ecran ?



# Supported TFT Variants
# BIGTREE_TFT35_V2_0    / BIGTREE_TFT35_V3_0 / BIGTREE_TFT35_E3_V3_0
# BIGTREE_TFT24_V1_1    / MKS_32_V1_4        / MKS_28_V1_0
# Firmware source:

# Supported Marlin Firmware Versions
# Minimum Marlin firmware version:
# Distribution date: 2020-05-12
# Firmware source:
# In order the TFT firmware is able to provide all of its functionalities/features,
# ensure that the following options are enabled in Marlin firmware.
# General options:
#   EEPROM_SETTINGS (in Configuration.h)
#   AUTO_REPORT_TEMPERATURES (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   M115_GEOMETRY_REPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   M114_DETAIL (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   REPORT_FAN_CHANGE (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support printing from onboard SD:
#   SDSUPPORT (in Configuration.h)
#   LONG_FILENAME_HOST_SUPPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   SDCARD_CONNECTION ONBOARD (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support dialog with host:
#   EMERGENCY_PARSER (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   SERIAL_FLOAT_PRECISION 4 (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)

# Options to support M600 with host & (Un)Load menu:
#   Options to support dialog with host (as pre requisite)
#   NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE (in Configuration.h)
#   ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support Babystep menu:
#   BABYSTEPPING (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support repeatibility test to test probe accuracy (M48):
#   Z_MIN_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST (in Configuration.h)
# Options to support aligment of multiple Z steppers using a bed probe (G34):
#   Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN (in Configuration_adv.h)

Modifié (le) par PPAC
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salut @PPAC

merci de ta réponse.

Je viens d 'essayer en dé-commentant




cela ne fonctionne pas.

pour ta deuxième piste, je ne comprend pas trop ce que je dois modifier . ce qui est en gras dans ta citation ?

ci dessous la config de l'écran TFT




# Supported TFT Variants
# BIGTREE_TFT35_V2_0    / BIGTREE_TFT35_V3_0 / BIGTREE_TFT35_E3_V3_0
# BIGTREE_TFT24_V1_1    / MKS_TFT32_V1_3     / MKS_TFT32_V1_4
# MKS_TFT28_V3_0        / MKS_TFT28_V4_0
# Firmware source:

# Supported Marlin Firmware Versions
# Minimum Marlin firmware version:
# Distribution date: 2020-05-12
# Firmware source:
# In order the TFT firmware is able to provide all of its functionalities/features,
# ensure that the following options are enabled in Marlin firmware.
# General options:
#   EEPROM_SETTINGS (in Configuration.h)
#   BABYSTEPPING (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   AUTO_REPORT_TEMPERATURES (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   M115_GEOMETRY_REPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   M114_DETAIL (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   REPORT_FAN_CHANGE (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support printing from onboard SD:
#   SDSUPPORT (in Configuration.h)
#   LONG_FILENAME_HOST_SUPPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   SDCARD_CONNECTION ONBOARD (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support dialog with host:
#   EMERGENCY_PARSER (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   SERIAL_FLOAT_PRECISION 4 (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to support M600 with host & (Un)Load menu:
#   Options to support dialog with host (as pre requisite)
#   NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE (in Configuration.h)
#   ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE (in Configuration_adv.h)
#   FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES (in Configuration_adv.h)
# Options to fully support Bed Leveling menu:
#   Z_MIN_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST (in Configuration.h)
#   G26_MESH_VALIDATION (in Configuration.h)
#   Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN (in Configuration_adv.h)

# General Settings

#### Enable Status Screen
# Status screen or home screen displays the current temperature, fan and speeds.
# If this disabled, the main menu will become the default home screen.
#   Options: [Enable: 1, Disable: 0]

#### Baudrate / Connection speed
# This baudrate setting is used for serial connection to the printer and other serial hosts like ESP8266.
#   Options: [2400: 0, 9600: 1, 19200: 2, 38400: 3, 57600: 4, 115200: 5, 250000: 6, 500000: 7, 1000000: 8]

#### Default Touch Mode Language
# Select the language to display on the LCD while in Touch Mode.
# To add/flash a second language copy the required "language_xx.ini" file from "Language Packs" folder
# to the SD root folder. Then preset the reset button to load/flash the copied language file.
#   Options: [primary language (english): 0, secondary language: 1]

#### Default Touch Mode Colors
# Set colors used in touchscreen mode.
# Select an option from the provide list or set the color (RGB888 format) hex value directly (start with “0x”),
# such as: Red: 0xFF0000, Green: 0x00FF00, Blue: 0x0000FF.
#   Options: [ WHITE: 0,  BLACK: 1,  RED: 2,  GREEN: 3,      BLUE: 4,       CYAN: 5,  MAGENTA: 6,    YELLOW: 7,
#             ORANGE: 8, PURPLE: 9, LIME: 10, BROWN: 11, DARKBLUE: 12, DARKGREEN: 13,    GRAY: 14, DARKGRAY: 15]

## Title background color

## Background color

## Font foreground color

## Reminder font color, such as: "No print attached", "Busy processing", etc

## Volume status/reminder font color, such as: "Card inserted", "Card removed"

## Backgroud color for X Y Z position display in Status Screen menu

## List View border color

## List View button background color

## Color used by the Mesh Editor menu for drawing the mesh with the minimun value in the grid

## Color used by the Mesh Editor menu for drawing the mesh with the maximum value in the grid

#### Terminal Text Color Scheme
# Select as color scheme for displaying text in Teminal menu.
#   Options: [Material Dark: 0, Material Light: 1, High Contrast: 2]
#     Material Dark: Dark background with light font color and orange command font color.
#     Material Light: Light background with dark font color and orange command font color.
#     High-Contrast: Black background with white font color and orange command font color.

#### Rotate UI
# Rotate UI by 180 degrees.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Temperature ACK In Terminal
# Show or hide temperature ACK in Terminal menu.
#   Options: [show: 1, hide: 0]

#### Inverted Axes For Move Menu And Manual Leveling Menu
# Invert axis button function in Move menu & Manual Leveling menu in order it matches the actual axis movement.
# NOTE: The Y-axis of different printer (move hotbed or move nozzle) move in different directions.
#       So Y-axis leveling invert can't follow up invert_axis[Y_AXIS].
#       We separate a single variable "LY"(Leveling Y-axis) to deal with the y-axis leveling movement direction.
#   Format: [X<option> Y<option> Z<option> LY<option>]
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]
invert_axis:X0 Y0 Z0 LY0

#### Persistent Temperature Info
# Show persistent temperature info on all menus.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### File List Mode
# Display files in list mode instead of icon mode.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Notification Style For ACK Messages
# Set the notification style to use for displaying the ACK messages which start with 'echo:'.
# NOTE: The OFF value is applied to any ACK message type (e.g. even to known echo ACK).
#       It means that any kind of ACK message is silently discarded.
#   Options: [OFF: 0, POPUP: 1, TOAST: 2]
#     OFF:   No notification. The message is ignored.
#     POPUP: Display a popup window for user confirmation.
#     TOAST: A non-blocking Toast notification is displayed for few seconds. No user interaction is needed.

#### Notification M117
# Display of M117 messages on the notification screen.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Emulate M600
# The TFT intercepts the M600 gcode (filament change) and emulates the logic instead of demanding it to Marlin firmware.
# NOTE: Enable it, in case Marlin firmware does not properly support M600 on the mainboard.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

# Marlin Mode Settings (only for TFT24_V1.1 & TFT28/TFT35/TFT43/TFT50/TFT70_V3.0)

#### Default Mode
#   Options: [Marlin Mode: 0, Touch Mode: 1]

#### Serial Always ON
# Keep UART (serial communication) alive in Marlin Mode.
# Allows seamless OctoPrint UART connection to the TFT's UART/serial expansion port no matter which mode the TFT is in.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Default Marlin Mode Background & Font Colors
# Select an option from the provide list or set the color (RGB888 format) hex value directly (start with “0x”),
# such as: Red: 0xFF0000, Green: 0x00FF00, Blue: 0x0000FF.
#   Options: [ WHITE: 0,  BLACK: 1,  RED: 2,  GREEN: 3,      BLUE: 4,       CYAN: 5,  MAGENTA: 6,    YELLOW: 7,
#             ORANGE: 8, PURPLE: 9, LIME: 10, BROWN: 11, DARKBLUE: 12, DARKGREEN: 13,    GRAY: 14, DARKGRAY: 15]

## Marlin Mode background color

## Marlin Mode font color

#### Marlin Mode Fullscreen Support
# Run Marlin Mode in fullscreen.
# NOTE: Disable is recommended for TFT24.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Marlin Mode Title Support
# Show title in Marlin Mode.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Marlin Mode Title
# Text displayed at the top of the TFT in Marlin Mode.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 20 characthers]
marlin_title:Marlin Mode

#### Marlin Mode Type
# Select Marlin Mode type.
#   Options: [128x64 Full Graphic LCD: 0, 20x4 Character LCD: 1]

# RRF Mode Settings

#   Options: [default Custom Menu: 0, RRF Macros Menu: 1]

# Printer / Machine Settings

#### Hotend Count
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 6]

#### Heated Bed Support
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Heated Chamber Support
# The TFT will auto-detect if chamber heating is enabled in Marlin firmware.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Extruder Count
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 6]

#### Fan Count
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 6]

#### Fan Controller Count
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2]

#### Bed / Extruder / Chamber Maximum Temperatures
#   Format: [max_temp: T0:<max temp> T1:<max temp> T2:<max temp> T3:<max temp> T4:<max temp> T5:<max temp> BED:<max temp> CHAMBER:<max temp>]
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: hotend:  [min: 20, max: 1000]
#                bed:     [min: 20, max: 200]
#                chamber: [min: 20, max: 100]
max_temp:T0:275 T1:275 T2:275 T3:275 T4:275 T5:275 BED:150 CHAMBER:60

#### Cold Extrusion Minimum Temperature
# Minimum temperature need to extrude/retract. Any extrude/retract below this temperature will be prevented.
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: [min: 20, max: 1000]

#### Fan Maximum PWM Speed
# Set minimum and maximum fan speed allowed by the printer.
#   Format: [fan_max: F0:<max PWM> F1:<max PWM> F2:<max PWM> F3:<max PWM> F4:<max PWM> F5:<max PWM> CtL:<max PWM> CtI:<max PWM>]
#   Unit: [PWM]
#   Value range: [min: 25, max: 255]
fan_max:F0:255 F1:255 F2:255 F3:255 F4:255 F5:255 CtL:255 CtI:255

#### Machine Size / Build Area
# The TFT will auto-detect the machine size (min and max) in Marlin firmware (requires enabling `M115_GEOMETRY_REPORT`
# in Configuration_adv.h in Marlin firmware).
#   Format: [size_min: X<minimum distance> Y<minimum distance> Z<minimum distance>]
#           [size_max: X<maximum distance> Y<maximum distance> Z<maximum distance>]
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000, max: 2000]
size_min:X0 Y0 Z0
size_max:X235 Y235 Z250

#### Default X & Y Move Speeds/Feedrates
# Move speeds used in move menu to move X and Y axes.
#   Format: [move_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
xy_speed:S1000 N3000 F5000

#### Default Z Speeds/Feedrates
# Move speeds used in move menu to move Z axis.
#   Format: [move_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
z_speed:S500 N1000 F2000

#### Default Extruder Speeds/Feedrates
# Speed settings used to extrude/retract.
#   Format: [ext_speed: S<feedrate> N<feedrate> F<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
ext_speed:S60 N600 F1200

#### Auto Save Load Leveling Data
# The TFT will auto-detect if Auto Bed Level is available.
# Enable this will send "M500" after "G29" to store leveling value and send "M420 S1"
# to enable leveling state after startup.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### TouchMI Settings (on ABL menu)
# Enable this option for settings TouchMI sensor on ABL Menu (Init, Z Offset, Save, Test).
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Onboard / Printer SD Card Support
# On Marlin firmware, the TFT will auto-detect Onboard SD Card.
# Auto-detect is not available for other firmwares like Smoothieware.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0, auto-detect: 2]

#### M27 Printing Status Refresh Time
# M27 printing status refresh time (this will be used if SD_AUTOREPORT is not detected by the TFT).
#   Unit: [time in seconds]
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 100]

#### M27 Always Active
# Keep polling M27 even if not printing.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Long File Names Support
# On Marlin firmware, the TFT will auto-detect Long File Name support.
# Auto-detect is not available for other firmwares like Smoothieware.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0, auto-detect: 2]

#### Fan Speed As Percentage
# Show fan speed as percentage. If disabled fan speeed will be displayed as PWM values.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Pause Settings
# These settings are used when a print is paused.

## Pause Retract Length
#   Format: [pause_retract: R<retract length> P<resume purge length>]
#   Unit: [length in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 20]
pause_retract:R15 P16

## Pause XY Position
# NOTE: It MUST BE a value >= 0 for a Cartesian printer.
#       It MUST BE a value <= 0 for a Delta printer.
#   Format: [pause_pos: X<position> Y<position>]
#   Unit: [position in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000, max: 2000]
pause_pos:X10 Y10

## Pause Z Raise
# Raise Z axis this much relative to the current layer height.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

## Pause Feed Rate
# Feedrate to use when moving an axis when printing is paused.
#   Format: [pause_feedrate: XY<feedrate> Z<feedrate> E<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
pause_feedrate:XY6000 Z6000 E600

#### Leveling Settings
# These settings are used for leveling.

## Leveling Edge Distance (Manual Leveling)
# Inset distance from bed edges. This distance is added to minimum X & Y bed coordinates and
# subtracted from maximum X & Y bed coordinates to calculate manual leveling points.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

## Z Position (Manual, Mesh Leveling, Probe/Home Offset and Mesh Tuner)
# For manual leveling and MBL, lower z axis to this absolute position after reaching a leveling point.
# For Probe/Home Offset and ABL in Mesh Tuner, raise z axis by this relative position after reaching a leveling point.
#   Unit: [position in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

## Leveling Z Raise (Manual and Mesh Leveling)
# Raise Z this much before moving to another point during leveling/probing procedures.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

## Leveling Feed Rate (Manual and Mesh Leveling)
# Feedrate to use when moving an axis during leveling/probing procedures.
#   Format: [level_feedrate: XY<feedrate> Z<feedrate>]
#   Unit: [feedrate in mm/min]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 12000]
level_feedrate:XY6000 Z6000

#### XY Offset Probing Support (Probe Offset)
# Used by the Probe Offset menu for the Z offset tuning process.
# It allows to move the nozzle to the defined (on Marlin firmware) XY probing point set for homing.
# The nozzle is moved applying the XY probe offset configured on Marlin firmware.
# NOTE: Disable it in case the XY probing point set for homing is not reacheable by the nozzle
#       (e.g. due to HW limitations/constraints or printer specific configuration).
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Z Raise Probing Support (Probe Offset, Mesh Editor)
# Used by the Probe Offset / Mesh Editor menu for the Z offset / Z height tuning process.
# Z height to raise / drop after homing (G28) before starting to probe a point.
# NOTE: It MUST BE a value >= 0 (e.g. 20) for a Cartesian printer to avoid crashing into the bed.
#       It MUST BE a value <= 0 (e.g. -50) for a Delta printer to avoid crashing into the top of the tower.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: -2000, max: 2000]

#### Z Steppers Auto-Alignment
# It allows to align multiple Z stepper motors using a bed probe by probing one position per stepper.
# Enable this setting to show icon on ABL menu which allows to run G34 command (it requires
# Z_STEPPER_AUTO_ALIGN enabled in Configuration_adv.h in Marlin firmware).
# NOTE: Only for Marlin printers with one stepper driver per Z stepper motor and no Z timing belt. Also requires a BLTouch.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Preheat Temperatures
#   Format: [preheat_nameX:<name>]
#           [preheat_tempX:T<hotend temp> B<bed temp>]
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: name:        [min: 3, max: 20 characters]
#                hotend temp: [min: 20, max: 1000]
#                bed temp:    [min: 20, max: 200]
preheat_temp1:T200 B60

preheat_temp2:T240 B70

preheat_temp3:T230 B90

preheat_temp4:T170 B50

preheat_temp5:T220 B50

preheat_temp6:T250 B90

# Power Supply Settings (if connected to TFT controller)

#### Default Power Supply Mode
# Enable auto shutdown when hot-end temperature becomes below target value.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0, auto-detect: 2]

#### Power Supply Active HIGH
# Enable the logic of the mode on HIGH signal.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Power Supply Auto Shutdown Temperature
# Maximum hot-end temperature of automatic shut down after printing (only if auto power is enabled).
# Wait for the hot-end temperature to be lower than this value, then turn off the power automatically.
#   Unit: [temperature in °C]
#   Value range: [min: 20, max: 1000]

# Filament Runout Settings (if connected to TFT controller)

#### Default Filament Runout Sensor
# Enable filament runout sensor.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0, smart: 2]

#### Inverted Filament Runout Logic
# Invert the logic of the sensor.
#   Options: [true: 1, false: 0]

#### Filament Noise Threshold
# Pause print when filament runout is detected for this time period.
#   Unit: [time in miliseconds]
#   Value range: [min: 10, max: 1800]

#### Smart Filament Runout Detection
# For use with an encoder disc that toggles runout pin as filament moves.
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 1, max: 50]

# Power Loss Recovery & BTT UPS Settings (if connected to TFT controller)

#### Default Power Loss Recovery Mode
# Enable power loss recovery.
# Disable to reduce the loss of SD card or U disk.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Power Loss Recovery Homing
# Home before power loss recovery.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Power Loss Z Raise
# Raise Z axis on resume (on power loss with UPS).
#   Unit: [distance in mm]
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 2000]

#### BTT UPS Support
# Enable BTT UPS.
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

# Other Device-Specific Settings

#### Sounds / Buzzer
# Set sound ON or OFF.
# NOTE: Error messages from printer will always play the error sound.
# Parameters:
#   touch_sound:  Enable/disable this to control touch feedback sound.
#   toast_sound:  Enable/disable this to control all toast notification sounds.
#   alert_sound:  Enable/disable this to control all popup and alert sounds
#                 like print finish alert, dialog sound etc.
#   heater_sound: Enable/disable this to control acoustic feedback when temperature
#                 has reached the desired value on heaters (nozzle, bed, chamber).
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Knob LED Color (only for TFT28 V3.0, TFT35 E3.0, TFT43 V3.0, TFT50 V3.0 & TFT70 V3.0)
#   Options: [OFF: 0, WHITE: 1, RED: 2, ORANGE: 3, YELLOW: 4, GREEN: 5, BLUE: 6, INDIGO: 7, VIOLET: 8]

#### Knob Idle State (only for TFT28 V3.0, TFT35 E3.0, TFT43 V3.0, TFT50 V3.0 & TFT70 V3.0)
#   Options: [true: 1, false: 0]

#### Knob LED Pixels (only for TFT43 V3.0, TFT50 V3.0 & TFT70 V3.0)
# Set the number of LEDs in the strip connected the "Neopixel" port of TFT.
# It shares the same signal line as "knob_led". 0 means the default number in TFT hardware,
# Greater than 0 means the number of LEDs in the strip.
#   Value range: [min: 0, max: 200]

#### Default LCD Brightness Levels (only for TFT28 V3.0, TFT35 E3.0, TFT43 V3.0, TFT50 V3.0 & TFT70 V3.0)
# Default brightness values for LCD.

## Default display brightness
#   Options: [(off) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (full)]

## Display brightness when device is idle
#   Options: [(off) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (full)]

#### Default LCD Idle Time (only for TFT28 V3.0, TFT35 E3.0, TFT43 V3.0, TFT50 V3.0 & TFT70 V3.0)
#   Options: [Off: 0, 5sec: 1, 10sec: 2, 30sec: 3, 1min: 4, 2min: 5, 5min: 6, 10min: 7]

# Custom Gcode Commands

#### Custom Gcode Commands
# Up to 15 custom gcode commands that will be available in the Custom menu.
# Usage:
#   To enable a custom command, remove '#' at the begining of custom commands label & gcode.
#   To disable a custom command, add '#' at the begining of custom commands label & gcode.
# NOTE: If the values are left blank then default name and gcode will be used.
#   Value range: label: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
#                gcode: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
custom_label_1:Disable steppers
custom_label_2:Init sd card
custom_label_3:Release sd card
custom_label_4:Restore leveling
custom_gcode_4:M420 S1\n
custom_label_5:Save to EEPROM
custom_label_6:Restore from EEPROM
custom_label_7:EEPROM defaults

# Start, End & Cancel Gcode Commands

#### Default Start Gcode Status
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Default End Gcode Status
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Default Cancel Gcode Status
#   Options: [enable: 1, disable: 0]

#### Start Gcode
# This gcode will runs before starting a print if `start_gcode_enabled` is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
start_gcode:G28 XY R20\n

#### End Gcode
# This gcode will runs after a print is completed if `end_gcode_enabled` is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
end_gcode:M104 S0\nM140 S0\nM107\nM18\n

#### Cancel Gcode
# This gcode will runs when a print is canceled if `cancel_gcode_enabled` is enabled.
#   Value range: [min: 3, max: 75 characters]
cancel_gcode:M104 S0\nM140 S0\nG28 XY R10\nM107\nM18\n



Modifié (le) par Jeanmath
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Bon navré on ne se comprend pas ... Mes excuses. je me suis mal expliqué ou j'ai compris a coté.

Il y a 1 heure, Jeanmath a dit :

Je viens d 'essayer en dé-commentant




cela ne fonctionne pas.

D’après ton 1er message c’était activé :

Le 19/10/2021 at 21:53, Jeanmath a dit :


et je propose de tester de le désactiver (donc de le commenter ).

Or là, tu me dit me dit que du le dé-commente (donc du l'active ) ...  ???

Passe tes fichiers Configuration.h et Configuration_Adv.h (dernière version) cela évitera les erreurs de compréhension et/ou de copier coller !


Il y a 1 heure, Jeanmath a dit :

pour ta deuxième piste, je ne comprend pas trop ce que je dois modifier . ce qui est en gras dans ta citation ?

J'ai mis en gras ce qui me semble (mais je ne suis pas sur)  pouvoir influencer le bon fonctionnement du capteur de filament.

Mais, en principe, pour un fonctionnement correct du BTT TFT 35, il faut que le marlin respecte tout les points mentionné dans le config.ini.  

Il y a 1 heure, Jeanmath a dit :

# In order the TFT firmware is able to provide all of its functionalities/features,
# ensure that the following options are enabled in Marlin firmware.

Modifié (le) par PPAC
  • Merci ! 1
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oups pardon, c'est moi qui me suis mal exprimé.

'ffectivement il était décommenté (activé) du coup je l' ai commenté (désactivé), et ca n' pas marché.

j ai ensuite activé dans configuration.adv ce que  tu avais mis en gras. cela ne marche pas. lorsque l'écran est en mode tactile:

 je viens d'essayer en passant l’écran en mode marlin. ça marche (la logique est inversée  mais je vais corriger ). j aurais du essayer avant de faire les modifs mais bon...

ci joint la config + l' adv

merci !

Configuration_adv.h Configuration.h

Modifié (le) par Jeanmath
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il y a 30 minutes, Jeanmath a dit :

je viens d'essayer en passant l’écran en mode marlin. ça marche (la logique est inversée  mais je vais corriger ).

cool !

Donc après avoir corriger la logique, 

il ne reste plus qu'a activer dans le marlin tout ce qui se trouve demandé par le fichier config.ini et là tu devrais avoir le truc qui fonctionne aussi dans l'interface graphique du BTT FTF 35.

et je pense surtout a dans Configuration_adv.h

  //#define HOST_START_MENU_ITEM  // Add a menu item that tells the host to start



qui actuellement ne sont pas activé.


Tiens c'est pas problématique mais dans ton configuration.h tu a des doublons et cela peut prêter a confusion pour une modification ultérieur (si tu ne fait pas recherche pour vérifier qu'il n'y a pas une autre ligne qui fait ou non la même chose ...)





ligne 1765 : #define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 4 // modifié par JEANMATH

ligne 1772 : #define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 4 // modifié par JEANMATH


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Le 19/10/2021 at 21:53, Jeanmath a dit :

je n 'ai pas trouve de schéma spécifique à la 1.2

Il existe pourtant :


  • Merci ! 2
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A tu bien corrigé la logique pour le capteur de filament ?

Cela fonctionne t'il lors d'une impression avec l’écran en mode Marlin ?

Peut tu nous passer ta dernière version des fichiers de configuration*.h ?

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Le détecteur de fin de filament n'étant qu'un «bête» interrupteur, on peut vérifier son fonctionnement via le G-code M119 😉


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Il y a 16 heures, Jeanmath a dit :

cela fonctionne... uniquement en mode marlin

là pour moi c'est surement (mais je peux me tromper) une histoire de version du firmware de l’écran où de bon paramétrage du marlin pour permettre le bon fonctionnement de l’écran (mais si tu a fait comme demandé dans le config.ini là je ne sais plus... ).

Tu a regardé si tu te trouve pas avec une version du firmware de l’écran ayant une "issues" connue pour le capteur de fin de filament connecté a la carte mère ?

ex : en parcourant le github pour ton écran ? et/ou

Exemple (mais pas forcement le problème ici, ce genre d'histoire : )

Modifié (le) par PPAC
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