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En farfouillant dans le firmware, manifestement un menu "machine settings" est désactivé par défaut.
Il s'agit de la ligne suivante :


Mettez 1 à la place de 0 dans le fichier robin_nano35_cfg.txt puis flasher le firmware pour voir ce menu apparaître :


Ce nouveau menu n'est pas anodin, bien au contraire même car il permet l'accès à tous les réglages de la machine y compris certains non supportés pour l'imprimante. Donc à utiliser avec prudence.
Par contre ça peut aider pour affiner certains réglages sans avoir à passer par un flash ou pronterface. Exemple pour les E-STEP il faut procéder de la sorte :




cliquer sur "next" pour avoir le paramètre du 2e extrudeur (si vous l'avez)


Autre exemple, pour les réglages du BLTouch/Autoleveling



Cerise sur le gâteau, on peut également envoyer de gcode directement et de voir le retour sur l'écran de l'imprimante, plus besoin de pronterface ☺


J'imagine que ce menu est désactivé par défaut pour éviter des mauvaises manipulations, mais au pire, il suffit de flasher son firmware pour revenir sur des valeurs correctes.
Personnellement je préfère avoir toutes les fonctions accessibles.

Modifié (le) par SH1NZ33
  • J'aime 1
  • Merci ! 1



Je n'ai pas MACHINE_PARAMETER dans mon fichier robin_nano35_cfg.txt, je n'ai MACHINETPYE qui est à 0.

Sinon pourrais tu partager ton firmware , il est pour la D12 300?






Posté(e) (modifié)

Ce paramètre est à la fin du fichier.
Le voici, c'est pour la D12 230 avec support BLTouch : 


#===================Advanced  Settings=======================================
>cfg_insert_det_module			0			#Assemble power outage module (2:mks ups;1:mks 220det;0:mks pwc)

>cfg_have_ups_device			0			# UPS(1:yes;0:no)

>cfg_print_over_auto_close		0			# auto-off when print finishes(1:yes£»0:no)

>PRINT_FINISHED_COUNT 			180			#After the shutdown delay time (unit: second)

>cfg_filament_det0_trigger_level	0			#the level signal of  outage detection E0 module (1:high level;0:low level)
>cfg_filament_det1_trigger_level	0			#the level signal of  outage detection E1 module (1:high level;0:low level)

>cfg_filament_load_length		500			#the lenght to extrude filament (mm),Max:2000mm
>cfg_filament_load_speed		800			#the speed to extrude filament(mm/min)
>cfg_filament_load_limit_temperature	200			#It is the minimum temperature to extrude filament .

>cfg_filament_unload_length		500			#It is the minimum temperature to extrude filament .
>cfg_filament_unload_speed		800			#the speed to retract filament(mm/min)
>cfg_filament_unload_limit_temperature	200			#It is the minimum temperature to retract filament .

#=========================== Bed Leveling  =============================
#Leveling mode settings
>cfg_leveling_mode			1			#1:auto-leveling; 0:manual leveling

#=========================== Manual Leveling ==================================

>cfg_point_number			5			#the point number of manual leveling(3,4,5 point available)

#the 5 point location of  manual leveling

#========================== Auto Leveling ===================================

>cfg_auto_leveling_cmd:G28;G29;                                #the setting of auto-leveling command button

#=================== Language settings ==========================================
>cfg_language_adjust_type		1	#multi-language(enable:1, disable:0)

>cfg_language_type			6	#languages setting,this configuration is valid when "cfg_multiple_language" is disabled. 
						#(simplified Chinese:1; traditional Chinese:2; English:3; Russian:4; Spanish:5;French:6;Italian:7).
#==================Display Effect(refer to MKS TFT datasheet)=================================
#user-defined function1
>setmenu_func1_display		1				#1:display this button£¬0:no

#each command must be separated by semicolon ";"

>moreitem_pic_cnt		0				#the number of "more" button 

#edit command for 1~7 "More" button
#each command must be separated by semicolon ";"
#each icon command must be less than 200 bytes
>moreitem_button1_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button2_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button3_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button4_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button5_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button6_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

>moreitem_button7_cmd:G28 X0;G28 Y0;G28 Z0;

#the number of "more" button to dispaly on printing interface
>morefunc_cnt			0

#button1~button6 function 

########  Display Customization ##########

>cfg_background_color		0x1A1A1A	#the color of screen background
>cfg_title_color		0xFFFFFF	#the color of title text
>cfg_btn_bkcolor		0x1A1A1A	#Universal button background color
>cfg_btn_textcolor		0xFFFFFF	#Universal button text color
>cfg_back_btn_bkcolor		0xff5449	#Button of Return background color
>cfg_back_btn_textcolor		0xFFFFFF	#Button of Return text color
>cfg_dialog_btn_bkcolor		0xff5449	#Dialog button background color
>cfg_dialog_btn_textcolor	0xFFFFFF	#Dialog button text color

>cfg_btn_text_offset		15		#position of button font offset bottom(unit:pixel)

>cfg_screen_display_mode	2		#the style of display on the screen home(0:classic,1:simple,2:retro)
>cfg_screen_overturn_180	0x00		#The screen flips 180¡ã (0x00: no flip, 0xEE: flip)

#============================= Basic Settings =========================

>MACHINETPYE  0		# 0:Cartesian; 1:DELTA ; 2:COREXY

>HAS_TEMP_BED 1	        # whether enable the heated bed (disable: 0, enable: 1)

>EXTRUDERS    2		#This defines the number of extruders

#enable z2.
#====2 in 1 out setting===
>SINGLE_NOZZLE		1             #(0:disable;1:enable)

>Z2_STEPPER_DRIVERS	0	#1:enable z_dual;		0:disable
>Z2_ENDSTOPS		0	#Enable Z-axis double limit;	0:disable;	1:enable;
>Z2_USE_ENDSTOP		0	#Z axis second limit interface;	0:useless;	1:Z_MAX;	2:Z_MIN

# Travel limits after homing (units are in mm)
>X_MAX_POS 230
>Y_MAX_POS 230
>Z_MAX_POS 250

# position of hotend  for filament change and pause print
>FILAMENT_CHANGE_X_POS 5	 # X position of hotend  for filament change and pause print
>FILAMENT_CHANGE_Y_POS 5	 # Y position of hotend  for filament change and pause print
>FILAMENT_CHANGE_Z_ADD 5	 # Z addition of hotend (lift)	for filament change and pause print 

#Offset of the second extruders. 
>HOTEND_OFFSET_X 	-0		#(in mm) offset of the second hotend on the X axis ,Offsets for the first hotend must be 0.0.
>HOTEND_OFFSET_Y 	-0  		#(in mm) offset of the second hotend on  the Y axis ,Offsets for the first hotend must be 0.0.
#============================== Stepper Motor Settings ============================
#Invert the stepper direction.
>INVERT_X_DIR 	                0	
>INVERT_Y_DIR 	                1
>INVERT_Z_DIR                	1
>INVERT_E0_DIR           	1
>INVERT_E1_DIR           	1

#Movement setting
>DEFAULT_X_STEPS_PER_UNIT	80	#Default Axis-X Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)	
>DEFAULT_Y_STEPS_PER_UNIT	80	#Default Axis-Y Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)	
>DEFAULT_Z_STEPS_PER_UNIT	400.5	#Default Axis-Z Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)	
>DEFAULT_E0_STEPS_PER_UNIT	403.17	#Default Axis-E Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)
>DEFAULT_E1_STEPS_PER_UNIT	403.17	#Default Axis-E Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)

>DEFAULT_X_MAX_FEEDRATE		200	#Default Axis-X Max Feed Rate (mm/s)		
>DEFAULT_Y_MAX_FEEDRATE		200	#Default Axis-Y Max Feed Rate (mm/s)		
>DEFAULT_Z_MAX_FEEDRATE		4	#Default Axis-Z Max Feed Rate (mm/s)		
>DEFAULT_E0_MAX_FEEDRATE	50	#Default Axis-E Max Feed Rate (mm/s)	
>DEFAULT_E1_MAX_FEEDRATE	50	#Default Axis-E Max Feed Rate (mm/s)	

>DEFAULT_X_MAX_ACCELERATION	500	#Default Axis-X Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s
>DEFAULT_Y_MAX_ACCELERATION	500	#Default Axis-Y Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s
>DEFAULT_Z_MAX_ACCELERATION	100	#Default Axis-Z Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s
>DEFAULT_E0_MAX_ACCELERATION	1000	#Default Axis-E Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s
>DEFAULT_E1_MAX_ACCELERATION	1000	#Default Axis-E Max Acceleration (change/s) change = mm/s

>DEFAULT_ACCELERATION		500	#X, Y, Z and E acceleration for printing moves		
>DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION	500	#X, Y, Z and E acceleration for retracts		
>DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION	500	#X, Y, Z acceleration for travel (non printing) moves	
>DEFAULT_MINIMUMFEEDRATE	0.0	#minimum feedrate						
>DEFAULT_MINSEGMENTTIME		20000	#minimum time in microseconds that a movement needs to take if the buffer is emptied. 

>DEFAULT_XJERK 			8.0	#Default Axis-X Jerk (mm/s)	
>DEFAULT_YJERK 			8.0	#Default Axis-Y Jerk (mm/s)	
>DEFAULT_ZJERK 			0.4	#Default Axis-Z Jerk (mm/s)	
>DEFAULT_EJERK 			5.0	#Default Axis-E Jerk (mm/s)	

#For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins  (0:Low,1:High)

>PULSE_DELAY		5		#Pulse hold time (unit: machine cycle)
#============================= Thermal Settings ============================
>TEMP_SENSOR_0		1		#1: 100k thermistor£»-3 : thermocouple with MAX31855


#======================== Thermal Runaway Protection =======================
>THERMAL_PROTECTION_PERIOD 		70     	#Seconds;When the machine frequently appears Err7, the current value can be appropriately increased.
>WATCH_TEMP_PERIOD 			70	#Seconds;When the machine frequently appears Err5, the current value can be appropriately increased.
>WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE 			2	#Degrees Celsius
>THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED_PERIOD 		70    	#Seconds;When the machine frequently appears Err7, the current value can be appropriately increased.
>WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD 			70      #Seconds;When the machine frequently appears Err6, the current value can be appropriately increased.
>WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE 		2       #Degrees Celsius

# Type of heat manager for extruder.
>PIDTEMPE			1	# 1:PID	; 0:bang-bang
>DEFAULT_Kp			17.54	#	--default
>DEFAULT_Ki			0.73	#	--default
>DEFAULT_Kd			105.35	#	--default

#Type of heat manager for this heatedBed.
>PIDTEMPBED			0	# 1:PID	; 0:bang-bang
>DEFAULT_bedKp			10.00	#	--default
>DEFAULT_bedKi			0.023	#	--default
>DEFAULT_bedKd			305.4	#	--default

#============================== Endstop  Settings ===========================

>MIN_SOFTWARE_ENDSTOPS	 1              # 0:axes can move below MIN_POS;  1:axes won't move below MIN_POS.
>MAX_SOFTWARE_ENDSTOPS 	 1              # 0:axes can move below  MAX_POS;  1:axes won't move below MIN_POS.

# Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup).
>X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1		# set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
>Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING 1	# set to true to invert the logic of the Z_PROBE endstop.

# Specify here all the endstop connectors that are connected to any endstop or probe.
>USE_XMIN_PLUG	1			# 1:used; 0:noused
>USE_YMIN_PLUG	1			# 1:used; 0:noused
>USE_ZMIN_PLUG	1			# 1:used; 0:noused
>USE_XMAX_PLUG	0			# 1:used; 0:noused
>USE_YMAX_PLUG	0			# 1:used; 0:noused
>USE_ZMAX_PLUG	0			# 1:used; 0:noused

#==============================  Home Settings ==============================

>X_HOME_DIR -1				# Direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN :[-1,1]
>Y_HOME_DIR -1				# Direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN :[-1,1]
>Z_HOME_DIR -1				# Direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN :[-1,1]
>HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY 2400                # Homing X Y speeds (mm/m)
>HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z  600                 # Homing Z speeds (mm/m)
>HOME_Y_BEFORE_X	0       	# When G28 is called,0: X home before Y; 1: Y home before X

#============================= Z Probe Options =============================
#BLTOUCH			1	# 0:disable BLTOUCH; 1:enable BLTOUCH
#Select for a probe connected to Z-Min or Z-Max.

>Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER	0	# Z offset: -below +above  [the nozzle]		
>X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER	-45	# X offset: -left  +right  [of the nozzle]
>Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER	-5	# Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle]
>XY_PROBE_SPEED 		4000	# X and Y axis travel speed (mm/m) between probes
>Z_PROBE_SPEED_FAST 		600	# Speed for the first approach when double-probing (with PROBE_DOUBLE_TOUCH)
>Z_PROBE_SPEED_SLOW 		300	# Speed for the "accurate" probe of each point

>Z_SAFE_HOMING			1	# 0:Disable£¬1£ºEnable

#=============================== Bed Leveling ==============================


>GRID_MAX_POINTS_X 		5	# the number of grid points per dimension. <= 15
>GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y 		5	# the number of grid points per dimension. <= 15	
>Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE	10	# Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow	   > 0
>Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES	5	# Z Clearance between probe points  > 0

# Set the boundaries for probing (where the probe can reach).

>MESH_INSET			20	# Mesh inset margin on print area for MESH_BED_LEVELING
#============================= Z_PROBE settings =============================

>BLTOUCH			1	# 0:Disable BLTOUCH; 1:Enable BLTOUCH

#============================== Delta Settings =============================
>DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND	40      #--default
>DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD		346.75	#Center-to-center distance of the holes in the diagonal push rods.	
>DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET	211.5	#Horizontal offset from middle of printer to smooth rod center.
>DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET		28	#Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the end effector.
>DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET		14.5	#Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the carriages.
>DELTA_RADIUS			169	#Horizontal distance bridged by diagonal push rods when effector is centered.	
>DELTA_HEIGHT			302	#height from z=0.00 to home position
>DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS		125	#Print surface diameter/2 minus unreachable space (avoid collisions with vertical towers).
>DELTA_CALIBRATION_RADIUS	100	#set the radius for the calibration probe points - max 0.8 * DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS 

#============================== Wifi Settings =============================
>CFG_WIFI_MODE			0			#wifi mode(0:sta;1:ap)
>CFG_WIFI_AP_NAME		SSID			#wifi name
>CFG_WIFI_KEY_CODE		PASSWORD		#wifi password

>CFG_CLOUD_ENABLE		0			#cloud service enable(0:disable;  1:enable)
>CFG_WIFI_CLOUD_HOST	#cloud server url
>CFG_CLOUD_PORT			10086			#cloud server port
>WIFI_LIST_SCAN                 1                       #Whether to use wifi list scan (1: use, 0: forbidden)

#Do not display wifi button 0: Display WiFi button 1: Do not display

#About information
>about_type:Wanahao Robin_nano35

#Suspend/resume extrusion configuration (unit: mm)

#Suspend/resume extrusion increase percentage, when 0, the item does not work (unit: %)

#Wake mode configuration
>cfg_Standby_mode		0			#Whether to enable the wake-up function (0: off, 1: on)
>cfg_Standby_gap_time           600                     #Set to enter sleep time (unit: second)

>MACHINE_PARAMETER		1			#Online parameter(0: disable, 1: enable)

Modifié (le) par SH1NZ33
  • Merci ! 1



ok merci j'ai une d12 300,, dommage


Si tu as un firmware pour ton imprimante, rajoute juste la ligne suivante  si elle n'est pas présente :


>MACHINE_PARAMETER		1			#Online parameter(0: disable, 1: enable)
  • +1 1
  • 1 month later...
Posté(e) (modifié)


une petite question, bltouch = 3dtouch ?

même raccordement et fonctionne pareil ?

tu ouvre avec quoi le ficher du firmware car moi ça me donne plein de ???? 

Modifié (le) par Damien781
il y a 3 minutes, Damien781 a dit :

même raccordement et fonctionne pareil ?

même raccordement : oui

fonctionne pareil : oui dans l'ensemble (la précision n'est pas forcément la même)

  • 2 weeks later...
Le 14/12/2021 at 03:40, SH1NZ33 a dit :
#============================== Delta Settings =============================
>DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND	40      #--default
>DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD		346.75	#Center-to-center distance of the holes in the diagonal push rods.	
>DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET	211.5	#Horizontal offset from middle of printer to smooth rod center.
>DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET		28	#Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the end effector.
>DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET		14.5	#Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the carriages.
>DELTA_RADIUS			169	#Horizontal distance bridged by diagonal push rods when effector is centered.	
>DELTA_HEIGHT			302	#height from z=0.00 to home position
>DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS		125	#Print surface diameter/2 minus unreachable space (avoid collisions with vertical towers).
>DELTA_CALIBRATION_RADIUS	100	#set the radius for the calibration probe points - max 0.8 * DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS 

la Wanhao d12 et une imprimante delta ?

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