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À propos de matlafleche

  • Date de naissance 03/02/1990


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    impression 3d; modélisation; électronique
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  1. Bonjour à tous. voila je viens de recevoir un imprimante nouvelle :TEVO TARANTULA double extrusion ! et j'ai un problème ! rien ne chauffe ! j'ai changer la carte et téléverser le firmware dans la carte et pareil rien ne chauffe ! les LEDs sur la carte ne s'allume pas et pire l'impression se lance alors que rien n'est à température. donc je suppose que cela viens du firmware! avez vous déjà eut ce problème ? s'avez vous ou je peut trouver un firmware assez semblable pour en essayer un autre merci d'avance
  2. bonjour, je ne l'ai pas "activé" il l'était déjà ! mais depuis que je l'ai posté j'ai avancer j'ai réussi à régler le PID; j'ai augmenter les protections de 20 à 100s et de 2 à 4° et j'arrive enfin à chauffer. Mais il me reste encore quelques soucis! avec la ventilation allumer je n'arrive pas à tenir le température surtout à 110°
  3. ca me parais normale! tu imprime un carré,la jointure de la parois( si tu n'as pas toucher les réglage sur le slicer doit de faire à un angle) donc départ à 0mm/s sur la gauche et 100mm/s sur la droite et ainsi de suite pour faire le tour tu imprime à quel vitesse ? essaye de réduire la vitesse ! normalement on n'as pas à toucher au flux ! celui est calculer par la slicer en fonction Ø du fil et Ø de buse
  4. bonjour, je ne veut pas te dire des bêtises, je ne suis pas le plus expérimenter sur ce forum! mais d'après moi ta machine as du jeux! ou l'accélération est mal régler(jerk etc...) tu passe d'une vitesse de 0mm/s à 70/80/90/100mm/s sur X ou Y trop vite ce qui peut créé des secousses sur ton axe Z qui s'atténue au fur et à mesure ( ce que l'on peut en déduire avec les photos les stries son de plus en plus éloigner !!!!
  5. bonjour, dans les paramètres de cura tu n'en as pas la possibilité en tous cas!!! et pourquoi tu ne par pas sur un remplissage cubique ?? et qui plus est si tu part sur un remplissage en grille il faudrait que tu est moins d'angle pour ne pas imprimer dans le vide, non ? voici tous les paramètres de remplissage sur cura tu peut pivoter au de Z mais pas de X et Y
  6. bonjour, avant tous, merci as tous ceux qui travaille sur ces modifications, firewire etc.… je viens de finir de modifier ma discoaesy 200 et du coup d'installer la version 1.1.8. et j'ai quelque soucis de chauffe pour le plateau (emballements thermiques) je voulais savoir quels sont les lignes à modifier pour éviter ce problème ? #if ENABLED(THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED) #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED_PERIOD 20 // Seconds . #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED_HYSTERESIS 2 // Degrees Celsius. OU As described above, except for the bed (M140/M190/M303). #define WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD 60 // Seconds #define WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE 2 // Degrees Celsius ensuite j'ai remarquer que lors de d'une impression l'alimentation du plateau chauffant se fait en discontinue de ce fait le plateau a beaucoup de mal à monter en température. alors que quand je lance la chauffe directement par l'imprimante l'alim du BED se fait en continue et chauffe beaucoup plus rapidement !! auriez vous une solution ?
  7. bonjour, a tous avant toutes choses merci a tous pour vos conseils et votre aide. j'ai enfin fait toutes les modifications voulu et pour ceux qui s'en souvienne je n'est toujours pas réussi à envoyer le marlin par l'intermédiaire d'arduino ide. donc j'ai installer le marlin 1.1.6 de JJJ avec dagom'app et cela fonctionne bon par contre j'aurais encore besoin d'un petit peu d'aide j'ai changer les valeurs pour la tete Z122 sur cura + changement valeur Z/mm=400 .. mais je ne trouve pas comment centré ma pièce sur mon plateau sur cura m pièce est en plein milieux coordonnées 0/0/0 et pas sur mon plateau. à moins que je me sois tromper sur les valeurs à changer sur cura?
  8. merci, j'ai tout mit à jour et j'ai installer toutes les bibliothèques arduino je ne sais pas le/les quelles il me manque
  9. alors, le marlin c'est 1.1.6 de JJJ récupérer sur Thingiverse et j'utilise la version 1.8.5 d'arduino j'ai bien suivis toutes les étapes du PDF il n'y as que le port que je n'ais pas put sélectionner. je n'en sais absolument rien
  10. ok, c'est fait mais rien n'as changer j'ai bien suivis le tuto pourtant mais toujours le même message d'erreur et idem avec son marlin par contre après la mise à jours d'une carte son marlin fonctionne mais toujours le même message pour le tiens
  11. bonjour, j'ai l'intention de modifier ma discoeasy 200 dés que je reçois toutes les pièces par contre j'ai un soucis avec le marlin de z 122 dés que je vérifie la compil j'ai un message d'erreur. avez vous été déjà confronter à ce problème ? le message d'erreur est le suivant : sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In function 'void store_char(unsigned char)': MarlinSerial.cpp:141: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope const uint8_t h = rx_buffer.head, ^ MarlinSerial.cpp:148: error: 'i' was not declared in this scope if (i != rx_buffer.tail) { ^ In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:30:0, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:37, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In function 'void USART4_RX_vect()': sketch\MarlinSerial.h:68:43: warning: 'USART4_RX_vect' appears to be a misspelled signal handler, missing __vector prefix [-Wmisspelled-isr] #define M_USARTx_RX_vect SERIAL_REGNAME(USART,SERIAL_PORT,_RX_vect) . . . . . . ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:64:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:362:7: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDRx' M_UDRx = c; ^ exit status 1 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope je ne vous ai pas mit la totalité du message trop long
  12. oui j'ai essayer et ca n'as pas marcher du coup j'ai installer toutes les bibliothèques arduino et ca fonctionne en tout cas pour le programme d'origine par contre pour les modifs de Z122 le message d'erreur reste le même merci pour ton aide
  13. avec z122: il doit me manquer quelque chose dans l'arduino ide non mais quoi sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In function 'void store_char(unsigned char)': MarlinSerial.cpp:141: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope const uint8_t h = rx_buffer.head, ^ MarlinSerial.cpp:148: error: 'i' was not declared in this scope if (i != rx_buffer.tail) { ^ In file included from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32:0: sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In function 'void USART4_RX_vect()': MarlinSerial.h:64: error: 'UDR4' was not declared in this scope #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:64:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:191:31: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDRx' const unsigned char c = M_UDRx; ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static void MarlinSerial::begin(long int)': MarlinSerial.h:56: error: 'UCSR4A' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:56:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:210:7: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxA' M_UCSRxA = _BV(M_U2Xx); ^ In file included from c:\users\moi\documents\arduinodata\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2\avr\include\avr\io.h:99:0, from sketch\fastio.h:32, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:69: error: 'U2X4' was not declared in this scope #define M_U2Xx SERIAL_REGNAME(U2X,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:69:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_U2Xx SERIAL_REGNAME(U2X,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:210:22: note: in expansion of macro 'M_U2Xx' M_UCSRxA = _BV(M_U2Xx); ^ In file included from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32:0: MarlinSerial.h:56: error: 'UCSR4A' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:56:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:214:7: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxA' M_UCSRxA = 0; ^ MarlinSerial.h:65: error: 'UBRR4H' was not declared in this scope #define M_UBRRxH SERIAL_REGNAME(UBRR,SERIAL_PORT,H) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:65:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UBRRxH SERIAL_REGNAME(UBRR,SERIAL_PORT,H) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:219:5: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UBRRxH' M_UBRRxH = baud_setting >> 8; ^ MarlinSerial.h:66: error: 'UBRR4L' was not declared in this scope #define M_UBRRxL SERIAL_REGNAME(UBRR,SERIAL_PORT,L) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:66:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UBRRxL SERIAL_REGNAME(UBRR,SERIAL_PORT,L) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:220:5: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UBRRxL' M_UBRRxL = baud_setting; ^ In file included from sketch\fastio.h:33:0, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:57: error: 'UCSR4B' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxB SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,B) ^ sketch\macros.h:98:19: note: in definition of macro 'SBI' #define SBI(n,b) (n |= _BV(b)) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:57:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxB SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,B) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:222:9: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxB' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ In file included from c:\users\moi\documents\arduinodata\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2\avr\include\avr\io.h:99:0, from sketch\fastio.h:32, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:58: error: 'RXEN4' was not declared in this scope #define M_RXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:222:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SBI' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:58:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_RXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:222:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_RXENx' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ MarlinSerial.h:59: error: 'TXEN4' was not declared in this scope #define M_TXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(TXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:223:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SBI' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_TXENx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:59:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_TXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(TXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:223:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_TXENx' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_TXENx); ^ MarlinSerial.h:61: error: 'RXCIE4' was not declared in this scope #define M_RXCIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXCIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:224:5: note: in expansion of macro 'SBI' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXCIEx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:61:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_RXCIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXCIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:224:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_RXCIEx' SBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXCIEx); ^ In file included from sketch\fastio.h:33:0, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static void MarlinSerial::end()': MarlinSerial.h:57: error: 'UCSR4B' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxB SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,B) ^ sketch\macros.h:99:19: note: in definition of macro 'CBI' #define CBI(n,b) (n &= ~_BV(b)) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:57:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxB SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,B) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:232:9: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxB' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ In file included from c:\users\moi\documents\arduinodata\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2\avr\include\avr\io.h:99:0, from sketch\fastio.h:32, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:58: error: 'RXEN4' was not declared in this scope #define M_RXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:232:5: note: in expansion of macro 'CBI' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:58:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_RXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:232:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_RXENx' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXENx); ^ MarlinSerial.h:59: error: 'TXEN4' was not declared in this scope #define M_TXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(TXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:233:5: note: in expansion of macro 'CBI' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_TXENx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:59:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_TXENx SERIAL_REGNAME(TXEN,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:233:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_TXENx' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_TXENx); ^ MarlinSerial.h:61: error: 'RXCIE4' was not declared in this scope #define M_RXCIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXCIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:234:5: note: in expansion of macro 'CBI' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXCIEx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:61:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_RXCIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXCIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:234:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_RXCIEx' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_RXCIEx); ^ MarlinSerial.h:63: error: 'UDRIE4' was not declared in this scope #define M_UDRIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDRIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:235:5: note: in expansion of macro 'CBI' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_UDRIEx); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:63:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDRIEx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDRIE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:235:19: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDRIEx' CBI(M_UCSRxB, M_UDRIEx); ^ In file included from sketch\fastio.h:33:0, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static void MarlinSerial::checkRx()': MarlinSerial.h:56: error: 'UCSR4A' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\macros.h:97:22: note: in definition of macro 'TEST' #define TEST(n,b) (((n)&_BV(b))!=0) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:56:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:239:14: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxA' if (TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_RXCx)) { ^ In file included from c:\users\moi\documents\arduinodata\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2\avr\include\avr\io.h:99:0, from sketch\fastio.h:32, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:67: error: 'RXC4' was not declared in this scope #define M_RXCx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXC,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:239:9: note: in expansion of macro 'TEST' if (TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_RXCx)) { ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:67:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_RXCx SERIAL_REGNAME(RXC,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:239:24: note: in expansion of macro 'M_RXCx' if (TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_RXCx)) { ^ In file included from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32:0: MarlinSerial.h:64: error: 'UDR4' was not declared in this scope #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:64:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:240:25: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDRx' const uint8_t c = M_UDRx; ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static int MarlinSerial::peek()': MarlinSerial.cpp:247: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope const int v = rx_buffer.head == rx_buffer.tail ? -1 : rx_buffer.buffer[rx_buffer.tail]; ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static int MarlinSerial::read()': MarlinSerial.cpp:255: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope const uint8_t t = rx_buffer.tail; ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static uint8_t MarlinSerial::available()': MarlinSerial.cpp:268: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope const uint8_t h = rx_buffer.head, ^ MarlinSerial.cpp:271: error: 't' was not declared in this scope return (uint8_t)(RX_BUFFER_SIZE + h - t) & (RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static void MarlinSerial::flush()': MarlinSerial.cpp:282: error: 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope rx_buffer.head = rx_buffer.tail; ^ In file included from sketch\fastio.h:33:0, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp: In static member function 'static void MarlinSerial::write(uint8_t)': MarlinSerial.h:56: error: 'UCSR4A' was not declared in this scope #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\macros.h:97:22: note: in definition of macro 'TEST' #define TEST(n,b) (((n)&_BV(b))!=0) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:56:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UCSRxA SERIAL_REGNAME(UCSR,SERIAL_PORT,A) // defines M_UCSRxA to be UCSRnA where n is the serial port number ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:360:20: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UCSRxA' while (!TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_UDREx)) ^ In file included from c:\users\moi\documents\arduinodata\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.4-arduino2\avr\include\avr\io.h:99:0, from sketch\fastio.h:32, from sketch\MarlinConfig.h:26, from sketch\MarlinSerial.h:35, from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32: MarlinSerial.h:62: error: 'UDRE4' was not declared in this scope #define M_UDREx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDRE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:360:15: note: in expansion of macro 'TEST' while (!TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_UDREx)) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:48:52: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME(registerbase,number,suffix) SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:62:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDREx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDRE,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:360:30: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDREx' while (!TEST(M_UCSRxA, M_UDREx)) ^ In file included from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:32:0: MarlinSerial.h:64: error: 'UDR4' was not declared in this scope #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:52:63: note: in definition of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL' #define SERIAL_REGNAME_INTERNAL(registerbase,number,suffix) registerbase##number##suffix ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.h:64:28: note: in expansion of macro 'SERIAL_REGNAME' #define M_UDRx SERIAL_REGNAME(UDR,SERIAL_PORT,) ^ sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:362:7: note: in expansion of macro 'M_UDRx' M_UDRx = c; ^ exit status 1 'rx_buffer' was not declared in this scope
  14. oui je l'ai télécharger sur le site de dagoma ce marlin et je ne l'ai pas téléverser je l'ai juste vérifier , et j'ai aussi essayer de voir avec le marlin de Z122 et pareil à quelques exceptions prés
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